37 Jesus told him: »You shall love Jehovah your God with all your heart Greek: kardia: feelings, emotions, and with all your being, and with your entire mind Greek: dianoia: understanding. (Deuteronomy 6:5)
13 Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by his good conduct that his works are from meekness because of wisdom.
2 Think about the things that are above, not on the things that are upon the earth.
17 Just as iron sharpens iron so one man sharpens another.
2 I decided not to know anything among you, except Jesus Christ and his death on the torture stake.
3 I say through the grace given to me that every man among you should not think more highly of himself than he ought to think. But to think soberly, just as God has dealt to every man the measure of faith.
8 He who acquires wisdom loves life. He who guards understanding finds good.
12 A prudent man anticipates evil and hides; but the simple pass on, and are punished.
18 In much wisdom there is much grief for he who increases knowledge increases pain.
20 His invisible attributes are clearly seen since the creation of the world. The things made prove His eternal power and divine nature. Mankind has no excuse,
24 »Everyone who hears my words, and does them is like a wise man that builds his house on a rock.
15 Be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise.
16 Make the most of your time redeem or ransom back time, because the days are evil.
28 Even a fool, when he holds his peace, is counted wise! He who shuts his mouth is esteemed a man of understanding.
13 How blessed is the man who finds wisdom. Happy is the man who gains understanding.
5 A fool despises his father's instruction, but he who accepts discipline is prudent.