A ordem das tribos no acampamento

1 O Senhor Deus disse a Moisés e a Arão o seguinte:

2 — Quando os israelitas armarem o acampamento, cada um ficará perto da bandeira do seu grupo e do estandarte do seu grupo de famílias. Eles acamparão em volta da Tenda Sagrada e de frente para ela.

3,4 — Do lado leste acamparão os exércitos que marcham debaixo da bandeira da tribo de Judá. O exército de Judá tem setenta e quatro mil e seiscentos homens, e o chefe é Nasom, filho de Aminadabe. 5,6 Ao lado deles acampará o exército da tribo de Issacar. Esse exército tem cinquenta e quatro mil e quatrocentos homens, e o chefe é Netanel, filho de Zuar. 7,8 Acampará com eles também o exército da tribo de Zebulom. Esse exército tem cinquenta e sete mil e quatrocentos homens, e o chefe é Eliabe, filho de Helom. 9 O grupo de Judá, num total de cento e oitenta e seis mil e quatrocentos homens, marchará primeiro.

10,11 — Do lado sul acamparão os exércitos que marcham debaixo da bandeira da tribo de Rúben. O exército de Rúben tem quarenta e seis mil e quinhentos homens, e o seu chefe é Elisur, filho de Sedeur. 12,13 Ao lado deles acampará o exército da tribo de Simeão. Esse exército tem cinquenta e nove mil e trezentos homens, e o chefe é Selumiel, filho de Zurisadai. 14,15 Acampará com eles também o exército da tribo de Gade. Esse exército tem quarenta e cinco mil seiscentos e cinquenta homens, e o chefe é Eliasafe, filho de Deuel. 16 O grupo de Rúben, num total de cento e cinquenta e um mil quatrocentos e cinquenta homens, marchará em segundo lugar.

17 — Entre os primeiros dois grupos e os dois últimos, marcharão os levitas, levando a Tenda. Os grupos marcharão na mesma ordem em que acamparem, cada um no seu lugar, seguindo a sua bandeira.

18,19 — Do lado oeste acamparão os exércitos que marcham debaixo da bandeira da tribo de Efraim. O exército de Efraim tem quarenta mil e quinhentos homens, e o chefe é Elisama, filho de Amiúde. 20,21 Ao lado deles acampará o exército da tribo de Manassés. Esse exército tem trinta e dois mil e duzentos homens, e o chefe é Gamaliel, filho de Pedasur. 22,23 Acampará com eles também o exército da tribo de Benjamim. Esse exército tem trinta e cinco mil e quatrocentos homens, e o chefe é Abidã, filho de Gideoni. 24 O grupo de Efraim, num total de cento e oito mil e cem homens, marchará em terceiro lugar.

25,26 — Do lado norte acamparão os exércitos que marcham debaixo da bandeira da tribo de Dã. O exército de Dã tem sessenta e dois mil e setecentos homens, e o chefe é Aiezer, filho de Amisadai. 27,28 Ao lado deles acampará o exército da tribo de Aser. Esse exército tem quarenta e um mil e quinhentos homens, e o chefe é Pagiel, filho de Ocrã. 29,30 Acampará com eles também o exército da tribo de Naftali. Esse exército tem cinquenta e três mil e quatrocentos homens, e o chefe é Aira, filho de Enã. 31 O grupo de Dã, num total de cento e cinquenta e sete mil e seiscentos homens, marchará por último.

32 O número total dos homens de Israel registrados nos exércitos, grupo por grupo, foi de seiscentos e três mil quinhentos e cinquenta. 33 Como o Senhor havia ordenado a Moisés, os levitas não foram contados com os outros israelitas.

34 Assim, o povo de Israel fez tudo como o Senhor havia ordenado a Moisés. Eles acamparam, cada grupo debaixo da sua própria bandeira, e cada israelita começou a marchar com o seu grupo de famílias.

1 Yahweh spoke to Moses and to Aaron, saying, 2 "The children of Israel shall encamp every man by his own standard, with the banners of their fathers’ houses. They shall encamp around the Tent of Meeting at a distance from it."

3 Those who encamp on the east side toward the sunrise shall be of the standard of the camp of Judah, according to their divisions. The prince of the children of Judah shall be Nahshon the son of Amminadab. 4 His division, and those who were counted of them, were seventy-four thousand six hundred.

5 Those who encamp next to him shall be the tribe of Issachar. The prince of the children of Issachar shall be Nethanel the son of Zuar. 6 His division, and those who were counted of it, were fifty-four thousand four hundred.

7 The tribe of Zebulun: the prince of the children of Zebulun shall be Eliab the son of Helon. 8 His division, and those who were counted of it, were fifty-seven thousand four hundred.

9 All who were counted of the camp of Judah were one hundred eighty-six thousand four hundred, according to their divisions. They shall set out first.

10 "On the south side shall be the standard of the camp of Reuben according to their divisions. The prince of the children of Reuben shall be Elizur the son of Shedeur. 11 His division, and those who were counted of it, were forty-six thousand five hundred.

12 "Those who encamp next to him shall be the tribe of Simeon. The prince of the children of Simeon shall be Shelumiel the son of Zurishaddai. 13 His division, and those who were counted of them, were fifty-nine thousand three hundred.

14 "The tribe of Gad: the prince of the children of Gad shall be Eliasaph the son of Reuel. 15 His division, and those who were counted of them, were forty-five thousand six hundred fifty.

16 "All who were counted of the camp of Reuben were one hundred fifty-one thousand four hundred fifty, according to their armies. They shall set out second.

17 "Then the Tent of Meeting shall set out, with the camp of the Levites in the middle of the camps. As they encamp, so shall they set out, every man in his place, by their standards.

18 "On the west side shall be the standard of the camp of Ephraim according to their divisions. The prince of the children of Ephraim shall be Elishama the son of Ammihud. 19 His division, and those who were counted of them, were forty thousand five hundred.

20 "Next to him shall be the tribe of Manasseh. The prince of the children of Manasseh shall be Gamaliel the son of Pedahzur. 21 His division, and those who were counted of them, were thirty-two thousand two hundred.

22 "The tribe of Benjamin: the prince of the children of Benjamin shall be Abidan the son of Gideoni. 23 His army, and those who were counted of them, were thirty-five thousand four hundred.

24 "All who were counted of the camp of Ephraim were one hundred eight thousand one hundred, according to their divisions. They shall set out third.

25 "On the north side shall be the standard of the camp of Dan according to their divisions. The prince of the children of Dan shall be Ahiezer the son of Ammishaddai. 26 His division, and those who were counted of them, were sixty-two thousand seven hundred.

27 "Those who encamp next to him shall be the tribe of Asher. The prince of the children of Asher shall be Pagiel the son of Ochran. 28 His division, and those who were counted of them, were forty-one thousand five hundred.

29 "The tribe of Naphtali: the prince of the children of Naphtali shall be Ahira the son of Enan. 30 His division, and those who were counted of them, were fifty-three thousand four hundred.

31 "All who were counted of the camp of Dan were one hundred fifty-seven thousand six hundred. They shall set out last by their standards."

32 These are those who were counted of the children of Israel by their fathers’ houses. All who were counted of the camps according to their armies were six hundred three thousand five hundred fifty. 33 But the Levites were not counted among the children of Israel, as Yahweh commanded Moses.

34 Thus the children of Israel did. According to all that Yahweh commanded Moses, so they encamped by their standards, and so they set out, everyone by their families, according to their fathers’ houses.