1 Mais uma resposta de Bildade o suita:
2 Quem estás tu a tentar enganar? Fala sensatamente se queres que respondamos!
3 Aos teus olhos tornámo-nos como animais,estúpidos e mudos?
4 Só porque rasgas a roupa com zanga,irá isso fazer com que as rochasse movam dos seus lugarese a terra se despovoe?
5 A verdade é esta - se não prosperas, é porque não és recto,e a chama da tua vida se apagará.
6 Haverá escuridão em todas as casas dos ímpios.
7 A passada confiante do malvado se tornará vacilante,porque se dará conta do seu enfraquecimento.
9 Andará sobre armadilhas, assaltantes armar-se-lhe-ão emboscadas.
10 Há uma ratoeira em cada atalho que toma.
11 Tem razões suficientes para andar aterrorizado- os seus adversários andam-lhe cerradamente no encalce!
12 O seu vigor decai por causa da fome; a calamidade está pronta a lançar-lhe as garras.
13 Tem a pele toda carcomida devido às carências de alimentação. A morte acabará por devorá-lo.
14 O rico em quem confiava pô-lo-á na ruae será levado até ao rei dos terrores.
15 A sua casa acabará por desaparecer num braseiro de enxofre.
16 Até os seus fundamentos arderão, e todas as suas dependências.
17 Qualquer lembrança da sua existência será banida da Terra; ninguém mais se lembrará dele.
18 Será posto fora do reino da luz para o das trevas;será expulso do mundo.
19 Não deixará descendente algum,nem filhos nem netos nem qualquer outro parente.
20 Do Oriente ao Ocidente todos pasmarão sobressaltadosperante o seu destino.
21 Sim, é isso que acontece aos que rejeitam Deus.
1 Then Bildad the Shuhite answered and said,
2 How long will you{+} hunt for words? Consider, and afterward we will speak.
3 Why are we counted as beasts, [And] have we become unclean in your{+} sight?
4 You who tear yourself in your anger, Will the earth be forsaken for you? Or will the rock be removed out of its place?
5 Yes, the light of the wicked will be put out, And the spark of his fire will not shine.
6 The light will be dark in his tent, And his lamp above him will be put out.
7 The steps of his strength will be straitened, And his own counsel will cast him down.
8 For he is cast into a net by his own feet, And he walks on the toils.
9 A trap will take [him] by the heel, [And] a snare will lay hold on him.
10 A noose is hid for him in the ground, And a trap for him in the way.
11 Terrors will make him afraid on every side, And will chase him at his heels.
12 His strength will be hunger-bitten, And calamity will be ready at his side.
13 The members of his body will be devoured, [Yes], the firstborn of death will devour his members.
14 He will be rooted out of his tent where he trusts; And he will be brought to the king of terrors.
15 There will stay in his tent that which is none of his: Brimstone will be scattered on his habitation.
16 His roots will be dried up beneath, And above will his branch be cut off.
17 His remembrance will perish from the earth, And he will have no name in the street.
18 He will be driven from light into darkness, And chased out of the world.
19 He will have neither son nor son's son among his people, Nor any remaining where he sojourned.
20 Those who come after will be astonished at his day, As those who went before were frightened.
21 Surely such are the dwellings of the unrighteous, And this is the place of him who doesn't know God.