16 And, I, will request the Father, and, Another Advocate, will he give unto you, that he may be with you age-abidingly,
17 The Spirit of truth,which, the world, cannot receive, because it beholdeth it not, nor getteth to know it. But, ye, are getting to know it; because, with you, it abideth, and, in you, it is.
18 I will not leave you bereft,I am coming unto you.
19 Yet a little, and, the world, no longer beholdeth me; but, ye, behold me,Because, I, live, ye also, shall live.
20 In that day, shall ye get to know, That, I, am in my Father, and, ye, in me, and, I, in you.
21 He that hath my commandments and keepeth them, he, it is that loveth me; and, he that loveth me, shall be loved by my Father, and, I, will love him, and will manifest, myself, unto him.
22 Judas, not the Iscariot, saith unto himLord! what hath happened, that, unto us, thou art about to manifest thyself, and, not unto the world?
23 Jesus answered, and said unto himIf any man be loving me, my word, he will keep, and, my Father, will love him,and, unto him, will we come, and, an abode with him, will we make.
24 He that loveth me not, doth not keep, my word;and, the word which ye hear, is not mine, but, the Fathers who sent me.
25 These things, have I spoken unto you, With you abiding;
26 But, the Advocate, The Holy Spirit, which the Father will send in my name, He, will teach you all things, and will put you in mind, of all things which, I, told you.