35 And it came to pass, as he was drawing near unto Jericho, a certain blind man, was sitting beside the road, begging.
36 And. hearkening unto a multitude moving along, he enquired, what this, might be.
37 And they told himJesus of Nazareth, is passing by!
38 And he cried aloud, sayingJesus, son of David! have mercy upon me!
39 And, they that were going before, began to rebuke him, that he might hold his peace. But, he, by so much the more, was crying outO Son of David! have mercy upon me!
40 And, standing still, Jesus commanded him to be led unto him; and, when he had drawn near, he questioned him
41 What desirest thou, I should do unto thee? And, he, saidLord! that I may recover sight!
42 And, Jesus, said unto himRecover sight! Thy faith, hath saved thee.
43 And, instantly, he recovered sight, and began to follow him, glorifying God. And, all the people, beholding, gave praise unto God.