1 Then, will the kingdom of the heavens become like unto, ten virgins, who, taking their torches, went forth to meet the bridegroom.
2 Now, five of them, were foolish, and, five, prudent.
3 For, the foolishthough they took, their torches, took not with them, oil:
4 But, the prudent, took oil in their vessels, with their torches.
5 Now, the bridegroom, delaying, they all became drowsy, and were sleeping.
6 And, at midnight, an outcry hath been madeLo! the bridegroom! Be going forth to meet him!
7 Then, arose all those virgins, and trimmed their torches.
8 And, the foolish, unto the prudent, saidGive us of your oil, because, our torches, are going out.
9 But the prudent, answered, sayingLest once, by any means, there be not enough for us and you, be going rather unto them that sell, and buy for yourselves
10 But, as they were going away to buy, the bridegroom came; and, they who were ready, went in with him, into the marriage-feast, and, the door was locked.
11 But, afterwards, came the other virgins also, sayingLord! Lord! open unto us!
12 And, he, answering, saidVerily, I say unto you, I know you not.
13 Be watching, therefore, because ye know, neither the day nor the hour.