9 But, ye, are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for a peculiar treasure, that, the excellences, ye may tell forth, of him who, out of darkness, hath called you into his marvellous light:
3 When I view thy heavens, the work, of thy fingers, moon and stars, which thou hast established,
4 What was weak man, that thou shouldst make mention of him? or the son of the earthborn, that thou shouldst set him in charge?
5 That thou shouldst make him little less than messengers of God, with glory and honour, shouldst crown him?
17 To me, then, how precious have thy desires become, O GOD! How numerous, the heads of them!
18 I would recount them! Beyond the sands, they multiply, I rouse myselfand am still with thee.
7 That raiseth, out of the dust, the poor, From the dunghill, uplifteth the needy;
8 To give a seat with nobles, with the nobles of his people!
14 I thank thee, in that fearfully was my being distinguished, Wonderful are thy works, and, mine own soul, is observing intently!
6 Are not, five sparrows, sold for two farthings? and, not one from among them, hath been forgotten before God.
7 But, even the hairs of your head, have all been numbered: Be not afraid: many sparrows, ye excel.
7 But Yahweh said unto SamuelDo not regard his countenance, or the height of his stature, for I have rejected him,for it is not what man looketh to but what God looketh to. For, man, looketh to the outward appearance, but, Yahweh, looketh to the heart.
3 For I say, through the favour which hath been given me, unto every one who is among you,not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but so to think as to think soberlyas, unto each one, God hath dealt a measure of faith.