
3 Vindicate the weak and the fatherless, The oppressed and the poor, see righted;

9 And at once he said unto meSufficient for thee, is my favour, for, my power, in weakness, is made complete. Most gladly, therefore, will I rather boast in my weaknesses, that the power of Christ may spread a tent over me.

26 Failed have my flesh and my heart, The rock of my heartand my portion, is God unto times age-abiding.

22 A joyful heart, worketh an excellent cure,but, a stricken spirit, drieth up the bone.

7 All your anxiety, casting upon him, because he careth for you.

13 I have might, for all things, in him that empowereth me.

26 In the selfsame way moreover, even the Spirit, helpeth together in our weakness,for, what we should pray for as we ought, we know not, but, the Spirit itself, maketh intercession with sighings unutterable,

10 Wherefore, I take pleasure in weaknesses, in insults, in necessities, in persecutions, and straits, in behalf of Christ; for, as soon as I am weak, then, am powerful.

28 Come unto me! all ye that toil and are burdened, and, I, will give you rest:

15 For we have not a high-priest unable to have fellow-feeling with our weaknesses, but one tested in all respects, by way of likeness, apart from sin.

29 Giving to him that fainteth, strength, And to him that hath no vigour, he causeth, power to abound?

41 Be watching and praying, that ye may not enter into temptation: The spirit, indeed, is, eager, but, the flesh, weak.

7 For God hath not given us a spirit of cowardice, but of power, and love, and correction.

8 Open thy mouth for the dumb, for the cause of all the children of the departed.