17 And he who revileth his father or his mother, shall, surely be put to death.
20 Ye children! be obedient unto your parents in all things, for, this, is, well pleasing, in the Lord;
3 But, he, answering, said unto themWherefore do, ye also, transgress the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition?
4 For, God, saidHonour thy father and thy mother, andHe that revileth father or mother, let him, surely die!
32 Before a hoary head, shalt thou rise up, And shalt honour the presence of an elder,So shalt thou stand in awe of thy GodI, am Yahweh.
8 If, however, anyone, for his own, and specially them of his household, taketh not forethought, his faith, hath he denied, and is worse, than one without faith!
1 A wise son,
2 Honour thy father and thy mother,which indeed is the first commandment with promise,
3 That it may come to be, well with thee, and thou shalt be long-lived upon the land.
26 He that ruineth his father, and chaseth away his mother, is a son causing shame and reproach.
1 Hear, ye sons, the correction of a father, and attend, that ye may know understanding.
1 Ye children, be obedient unto your parents in the Lord , for this is right:
2 Honour thy father and thy mother,which indeed is the first commandment with promise,
3 That it may come to be, well with thee, and thou shalt be long-lived upon the land.
4 And ye fathers, be not provoking your children to anger, but be nourishing them up in the discipline and admonition of the Lord.
1 But, of this, be taking notethat, in last days, there will set in perilous seasons;
2 For men will befond of themselves, fond of money, ostentatious, arrogant, defamers, to parents, unyielding, unthankful, unkind,
3 without natural affection, accepting no truce, given to intrigue, without self-control, uncivilized, unfriendly to good men,
4 Howbeit, if, any widow, hath, children or grandchildren, let them be learningfirst, unto their own house, to be shewing reverence, and, returns, to be making unto their progenitors; for, this, is acceptable before God;
12 Honour thy father, and thy mother,that thy days may be prolonged upon the soil, which Yahweh thy God is about to give unto thee.
22 Hearken to thy father here, who begat thee, and despise not, when she is old, thy mother.
3 But, he, answering, said unto themWherefore do, ye also, transgress the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition?
4 For, God, saidHonour thy father and thy mother, andHe that revileth father or mother, let him, surely die!
5 But, ye, sayWhosoever shall say to his father or his motherA gift! Whatsoever, out of me, thou mightest be profited,
6 in nowise, shall honour his father or his motherand so ye have cancelled, the word of God, for the sake of your, tradition.
8 Hear, my son, the correction of thy father, and do not reject the instruction of thy mother;
9 For, a wreath of beauty, shall they be to thy head, and chains of ornament, to thy neck.
16 Honour thy father and thy mother, as Yahweh thy God hath commanded thee,that thy days may be prolonged and that it may go well with thee, upon the soil which Yahweh thy God is about to give unto thee:
17 The eye that mocketh a father, and despiseth to obey a mother, the ravens of the valley shall pick it out, and the young of the eagle shall eat it.
8 Hear, my son, the correction of thy father, and do not reject the instruction of thy mother;
20 Whoso revileth his father or his mother, his lamp shall be put out in deep darkness.
3 Ye shall, every one, revere, his father and his mother, And my sabbaths, shall ye observe,IYahweh, am your God.