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18 Near is Yahweh to all who call upon him,to all them who call upon him in faithfulness.

19 The desire of them who revere him, will he fulfil, and, their cry, will he hear, and will save them.

11 In business, not slothful, in spirit, fervent, to the Lord, doing service,

12 In hope, rejoicing, in tribulation, enduring, in prayer, persevering,

9 If we are confessing our sins, faithful, is he and, righteousthat he should forgive us our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

7 All things, covereth, all things, believeth, all things, hopeth, all things, endureth.

37 Because no declaration from God, shall be void of power.

17 On the contrary, now, no longer, are we gaining it. So that, if any one is in Christ, there is a new creation! the old things, have passed away,Lo! they have become new!

9 Thus be Yahweh a refuge for the crushed one, a refuge for times of destitution:

10 Thus let them who know thy Name, put confidence in thee, that thou hast not forsaken the searchers for thee, O Yahweh.

1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for, the first heaven and the first earth, have passed away, and, the sea, is no more.

2 And, the holy city, new Jerusalem, saw I coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

3 And I heard a loud voice out of the throne, sayingLo! the tent of God, is with men, and he will tabernacle with them, and, they, shall be, his peoples, and, he, shall be, God with them;

4 And he will wipe away every tear out of their eyes,and, death, shall be no more, and grief and outcry and pain shall be no more: the first things, have passed away.

22 Cast upon Yahweh thy lot, and, he, will sustain thee: He will not suffer, to times age-abiding, the righteous one to be shaken.

105 NUN. A lamp to my feet, is thy word, and a light to my path.

16 Every scripture, God-breathed, and profitableunto teaching, unto conviction, unto correction, unto the discipline that is in righteousness,

17 In order that, ready, may be the man, of God, unto every good work, being well-prepared.

13 An outline, have thou, of healthful discourses which from me thou hast heardwith the faith and love which are in Christ Jesus:

14 The noble thing entrusted

7 Ye, therefore, be strong, and let not your hands be slack,for there is a reward for your work!

19 For, a people, In Zion, shall dwell, In Jerusalem,As for weeping, thou shalt not weep! As for favour, he will grant thee favour, at the sound of thine outcry,As soon as he heareth, he hath answered thee!

35 Do not, then, cast away your freedom of speech,the which hath a great recompense.

11 I come quickly: hold fast that which thou hast, that, no one, take thy crown.

12 For, living, is the word of God, and, energetic, and more cutting than any knife with two edges, and penetrating as far as a dividing asunder of soul and spirit, of joints also, and marrow, and able to judge the impulses and designs of the heart;

16 Wherefore we faint not, but, even if, our outer man, is decaying, nevertheless, our inner , is renewing day by day.

17 For, the momentary lightness of thee tribulation, in a manner yet more and more excelling, is working out for us, an age-abiding weight of glory,

18 So long as we are not looking out for the visible things, but for the invisible; for, the visible things, are temporary, whereas, the invisible, are age-abiding.

33 These things, have I spoken unto you, that, in me, ye may have, peace: In the world, ye have, tribulation; but be taking courage,I, have overcome the world.

12 Happy the man who endureth temptation! Because, becoming approved, he shall receive the crown of lifewhich he hath promised unto them that love him.

28 Hast thou not known, Hast thou not heard, That The God of age-past timeYahweh The Creator of the ends of the earth Fainteth not neither groweth wearyThere is no searching of his understanding:

29 Giving to him that fainteth, strength, And to him that hath no vigour, he causeth, power to abound?

30 Youths both faint and grow weary, And, young warriorsthey fall, they fall;

31 But, they who wait for Yahweh, shall renew their strength, They shall mount on strong pinion like eagles,They shall run and not grew weary, They shall walk and not faint.

14 And, this, is the boldness which we have towards him: that, if, anything, we ask, according to his will, He doth hearken unto us.

15 And, if we know that he doth hearken unto us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the things asked, which we have asked of him,

16 But may, our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and our God and Father,Who hath loved you, and given you age-abiding consolation and good hope by favour,

17 Console your hearts, and confirm you in every good work and word!

12 In hope, rejoicing, in tribulation, enduring, in prayer, persevering,

7 Be asking, and it shall be given you, Be seeking, and ye shall find,Be knocking, and it shall be opened unto you.

8 For, whosoever asketh, receiveth, and, he that seeketh, findeth,and, to him that knocketh, shall it be opened.

26 And, looking intently, Jesus said unto themWith men, this is, impossible, but, with God, all things are possible.

1 Godfor us, is a refuge and strength, A help in distresses, soon found.

5 They who are sowing with tears, with shouting, shall reap:

6 He that, doth indeed go forth, and weep, bearing seed enough to trail along, doth, surely come in, with shouting, bringing his sheaves.

66 Because of this, many from among his disciples, went away back, and, no longer, with him, were walking.

67 Jesus, therefore, said unto the twelveAre, ye also, wishing to withdraw?

68 Simon Peter answered himLord! unto whom, shall we go? Declarations o life age-abiding, thou hast;

69 And, we, have believed, and come to know,that, thou, art the Holy One of God.

18 I will not leave you bereft,I am coming unto you.

6 Being persuaded of this very thingthat, he who hath begun in you a good work, will perfect it, until the day of Jesus Christ;

17 Hence, our faith, cometh by something heard, and, that which is heard, through a declaration of Christ.

12 I know to have more than enough,in every way, and in all things, have I been let into the secretboth to be well fed, and to be hungering, both to have more than enough, and to be coming short:

13 I have might, for all things, in him that empowereth me.

24 Be strong, and let your heart be bold, all ye who are waiting for Yahweh.

19 Not avenging, yourselves, beloved, but give place unto their anger; for it is writtenMine, is avenging, I, will recompense;saith the Lord;

9 And, in doing that which is honourable, let us not be fainthearted; for, in due season, we shall reap, if we faint not.

6 But, apart from faith, it is impossible to be well-pleasing; for he that approacheth unto Godmust needs have faith, that he is, and that, to them who seek him out, a rewarder he becometh.

28 Come unto me! all ye that toil and are burdened, and, I, will give you rest:

29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me,because, meek, am I and lowly, in heart, and ye shall find rest unto your souls;

30 For, my yoke, is easy, and, my burden, light.

28 We know, further, that, unto them who love God, God causeth all things to work together for good,unto them who, according to purpose, are such as he hath called;

12 Here, is, the endurance of the saints,they who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.

1 Now, therefore, Thus, saith YahwehCreating thee, O Jacob, and Fashioning thee O Israel,Do not fear, For I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name. Mine, thou art!

2 When thou passest through the waters, with thee, I am, Or, through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee,When thou walkest through fire, thou shall not be scorched, And, a flame, shall not kindle upon thee;

3 For, I,Yahweh, am, Thy God, The Holy One of Israel Ready to save thee,I have given, as thy ransom, Egypt, Ethiopia and Seba, in thy stead.

7 Good is Yahweh, as a protection in the day of distress,and one who acknowledgeth them who seek refuge in him.

23 Let us hold fast the confession of the hope without wavering,for, faithful, is he that hath promised;

24 And let us attentively consider one another, to provoke unto love and noble works,

25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, according to the custom of some, but exhorting, and by so much the more as this, by as much as ye behold, the day, drawing near.