9 He that walketh uprightly, may walk securely, but, he that maketh crooked his ways, shall be found out.
13 He that covereth his transgressions, shall not prosper, but, he that confesseth and forsaketh, shall find compassion.
133 My steps, direct thou by thy word, and let no iniquity, have dominion over me.
10 Out of the same mouth, come forth blessing and cursing! Not meet, my brethren, for, these things, thus, to be coming to pass!
5 Make dead, therefore, your members that are on the earthas regardeth fornication, impurity, passion, base coveting, and greed, the which, is idolatry,
21 Moreover she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus,for, he, will save his people from their sins.
12 Mistakes, who perceiveth? From things that are hidden, acquit me:
11 For the sake of thy Name, O Yahweh, Therefore wilt thou pardon mine iniquity, for great it is.
45 The good man, out of the good treasure of the heart, bringeth forth that which is good; and, the wicked man, out of the wicked heart, bringeth forth that which is wicked; for, out of an overflowing of heart, speaketh, his mouth.
1 Brethren! if a man should even be overtaken in any fault, ye, the spiritual, be restoring such a one, in a spirit of meekness, looking to thyself, lest, even thou, be put to the test.
2 One anothers burdens, be ye bearing, and, so, fill up the law of the Christ.
6 If we sayWe have, fellowship, with him! and, in darkness, are walking, we are dealing falsely, and not doing the truth;
4 And Pilate went forth again outside, and saith unto themSee! I lead him unto you outside, that ye may take knowledge, that, no single fault, do I find in him.
5 Jesus, therefore, came forth outside, wearing the thorn crown, and the purple mantle. And he saith unto themLo! the Man!
6 When, therefore, the High-priests and the officers saw him, they cried aloud, sayingCrucify! Crucify! Pilate saith unto themYe, take him, and crucify; for, I, find not in him, a fault.
20 Inasmuch as, by works of law, shall no flesh be declared righteous before him,through law, in fact, is discovery of sin.
6 But we have become as one unclean all of us, And, as a garment polluted, were all our righteous doings,And so we faded like a leaf all of us, And, our iniquity, as a wind, carried us away;
8 He that is committing sin, is, of the adversary, because, from the beginning, the adversary is sinning. To this end, was the Son of God made manifest, in order that he might undo the works of the adversary.
23 For, all, have sinned and fall short of the glory of God;
24 Being declared righteous freely by his favour through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:
1 Be favorable unto me, O God, according to thy lovingkindness, And, in the multitude of thy compassions, blot out my transgressions;
2 Thoroughly wash me from mine iniquity, And, from my sin, make me pure;
8 If we saySin, have we none! we are deceiving, ourselves, and, the truth, is not in us.
9 If we are confessing our sins, faithful, is he and, righteousthat he should forgive us our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
4 Against theeagainst thee alone, have I sinned, And, wickednessin thine eyes, have I done,That thou mayest, Be justified when thou speakest,Be clear when thou judgest.
5 Lo! in iniquity, was I brought forth, And, in sin, did my mother conceive me.
6 Lo! faithfulness, hast thou desired in the inward parts, Yea, in the hidden part, wilt thou cause me to know, wisdom.
7 Wilt thou cleanse me from sin with hyssop, That I may be pure? Wilt thou wash me, That I may be whiter, than snow?
8 Wilt thou cause me to hear joy and gladness? The bones thou hast crushed would exult.
9 Hide thy face from my sins,And, all mine iniquities, blot out;
21 Him who knew not sin, in our behalf, he made to be, sin, that we might become Gods righteousness in him.
1 Hence there is now, no, condemnation unto them who are in Christ Jesus;
2 For, the-law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus, hath set thee free from the law of sin and of death;
8 Before all things, keeping, fervent, your love, among yourselves, because, love, covereth a multitude of sins;
26 Be ye angry, and not committing sin, let not the sun be going down upon your angry mood,
1 How happy is he whose transgression is forgiven! whose sin is pardoned!
1 Brethren! if a man should even be overtaken in any fault, ye, the spiritual, be restoring such a one, in a spirit of meekness, looking to thyself, lest, even thou, be put to the test.
14 For, if ye forgive men their faults, Your Father who is in the heavens, will forgive, even you;
14 For we know that, the law, is spiritual,I, however, am a creature of flesh, sold under sin;
15 For, that which I am working out, I do not approve,for not, what I wish, the same I practise, but, what I hate, the same I do:
16 Now, if what I wish not the same I do, I consent unto the law that right.
17 Now, however, no longer am, I, working it out, but the, sin, that dwelleth in me:
34 Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you: Every one who committeth sin, is, a slave, of sin:
24 Who, our sins, himself, bare up, in his body, unto the tree, in order that we, from our sins getting away, in righteousness, might live,by whose stripes, ye have been healed;
4 Whosoever is committing sin, lawlessness also, is committing, and, sin, is, lawlessness;
6 Remember thy compassions, O Yahweh, and thy lovingkindnesses, For, from age-past times, have they been.
7 The sins of my youth, and my transgressions, do not thou call to mind,According to thine own lovingkindness, remember thou me, for the sake of thine own goodness, O Yahweh.
11 And be not joining in fellowship in the unfruitful works of darkness, but, rather, be even administering reproof;
12 For, of the secret things which are brought to pass by them, it is, shameful, even to speak!
18 We know that, whosoever hath been born of God, is not committing sin,Nay, he that hath been born of God, He keepeth him, and, the wicked one, doth not touch him.
1 BOOK THE FIRST How happy the man, who hath not walked in the counsel of the lawless,and, in the way of sinners, hath not stood, and, in the seat of scoffers, hath not sat;
4 Adulteresses! Know ye not that, the friendship of the world, is, enmity to God? Whosoever, therefore, is minded to be, a friend, of the world, an enemy of God, doth constitute himself.
9 Or know ye not that, wrong-doers, shall not inherit, Gods kingdom? Be not deceiving yourselves:neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor sodomites,
10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortionersshall inherit, Gods kingdom.
8 Draw near unto God, and he will draw near unto you. Cleanse hands, sinners! Chasten hearts, double souls!
6 And, whosoever shall cause to stumble one of these little ones who believe in me, it profiteth him, that there be hung a large mill-stone about his neck, and he be sunk in the wide main of the sea.
12 Let not sin, therefore, reign in your death-doomed body, that ye should be obedient to its covetings;
13 Neither be presenting your members as weapons of unrighteousness unto sin, but present yourselves unto God as though alive from among the dead, and your members as weapons of righteousness unto God;
14 For, sin, over you, shall not have lordship, for ye are not under law, but under favour.
15 What then? Shall we sin, because we are not under law but under favour? Far be it!
16 Know ye not that, unto whom ye are presenting yourselves as servants for obedience, servants ye are unto whom ye are obedient, whether of sin unto death or of obedience unto righteousness?
17 But thanks be unto God, thatwhereas ye were servants of sin, ye became obedient out of the heart unto the mould of teaching into which ye were delivered;
18 And, being freed from sin, ye were made servants unto righteousness;
15 What then? Shall we sin, because we are not under law but under favour? Far be it!
15 But, if thy brother sin, withdraw, convince him, betwixt thee and him, alone,If unto thee he hearken, thou hast gained thy brother;
28 Thus, the Christ also, once for all having been offered, for the bearing of the sins, of many, a second time, apart from sin, will appear, to them who for him are ardently waitingunto salvation.
15 But, if thy brother sin, withdraw, convince him, betwixt thee and him, alone,If unto thee he hearken, thou hast gained thy brother;
3 But, fornication, and all impurity, or covetousness, let it not be named among youeven as becometh saints;
16 Be openly confessing, therefore, one to another, your sins, and be praying in each others behalf,that ye may be healed. Much availeth, the supplication of a righteous man, when it is energised:
23 Whosesoever sins ye shall remit, they are remitted unto them, whosesoever ye shall retain, they are retained.
17 To him, therefore, who knoweth how to be doing, a right thing, and is not doing it, it is, sin, unto him.
7 Shall it not, if thou do right, be lifted up? But if thou do not right, at the entrance a sin-bearer is lying,Unto thee, moreover, shall be his longing, though, thou, rule over him.
9 If we are confessing our sins, faithful, is he and, righteousthat he should forgive us our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
23 For, the wages of sin, is death; but, Gods gift of favour, is life age-abiding, in Christ Jesus our Lord.
5 My sin, would I own unto thee, and, mine iniquity, not hide, I said, I will confess my transgressions unto Yahweh, And, thou, didst forgive the iniquity of my sin. Selah.
3 Why, moreover, beholdest thou the mote, in the eye of thy brother,while, the beam in thine own eye, thou dost not consider?
23 For, all, have sinned and fall short of the glory of God;