18 The wives! be subject to your own husbands, as is fit in the Lord;
19 the husbands! love your wives, and be not bitter with them;
3 to the wife let the husband the due benevolence render, and in like manner also the wife to the husband;
4 the wife over her own body has not authority, but the husband; and, in like manner also, the husband over his own body has not authority, but the wife.
15 see no one evil for evil may render to any one, but always that which is good pursue you, both to one another and to all;
18 flee the whoredom; every sin -- whatever a man may commit -- is without the body, and he who is committing whoredom, against his own body does sin.
19 Have you not known that your body is a sanctuary of the Holy Spirit in you, which you have from God? and you are not your own,
20 for you were bought with a price; glorify, then, God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's.
25 The husbands! love your own wives, as also the Christ did love the assembly, and did give himself for it,
26 that he might sanctify it, having cleansed it with the bathing of the water in the saying,
27 that he might present it to himself the assembly in glory, not having spot or wrinkle, or any of such things, but that it may be holy and unblemished;
28 so ought the husbands to love their own wives as their own bodies: he who is loving his own wife -- himself he does love;
29 for no one ever his own flesh did hate, but does nourish and cherish it, as also the Lord -- the assembly,
30 because members we are of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones;
10 whoremongers, sodomites, men-stealers, liars, perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that to sound doctrine is adverse,
3 and whoredom sexual immorality, and all uncleanness impurity, or covetousness desire to always have more, greediness, let it not even be named among you, as becomes saints;
4 The love is long-suffering, it is kind, the love does not envy, the love does not vaunt itself, is not puffed up,
5 does not act unseemly, does not seek its own things, is not provoked, does not impute evil,
6 rejoices not over the unrighteousness, and rejoices with the truth;
7 all things it bears, all it believes, all it hopes, all it endures.
8 And I say to the unmarried and to the widows: it is good for them if they may remain even as I am;
9 and if they have not continence -- let them marry, for it is better to marry than to burn;
10 and to the married I announce -- not I, but the Lord -- let not a wife separate from a husband:
11 but and if she may separate, let her remain unmarried, or to the husband let her be reconciled, and let not a husband send away a wife.
4 And he answering said to them, 'Did you not read, that He who madethem, from the beginning a male and a female made them,
5 and said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and cleave to his wife, and they shall be -- the two -- for one flesh?
6 So that they are no more two, but one flesh; what therefore God did join together, let no man put asunder.'
19 And manifest also are the works of the flesh, which are: Adultery, whoredom, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
20 idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, strifes, emulations, wraths, rivalries, dissensions, sects,
21 envyings, murders, drunkennesses, revellings, and such like, of which I tell you before, as I also said before, that those doing such things the reign of God shall not inherit.
8 'When you may be called by any one to marriage-feasts, you may not recline on the first couch, lest a more honourable than you may have been called by him,
28 so ought the husbands to love their own wives as their own bodies: he who is loving his own wife -- himself he does love;
29 for no one ever his own flesh did hate, but does nourish and cherish it, as also the Lord -- the assembly,
30 because members we are of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones;
3 for this is the will of God -- your sanctification; that you abstain from the whoredom,
4 that each of you know his own vessel to possess in sanctification and honour,
5 not in the affection of desire, as also the nations that were not knowing God,
29 and every one who left houses, or brothers, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or fields, for my name's sake, an hundredfold shall receive, and life age-during shall inherit;
4 and they said, 'Moses suffered to write a bill of divorce, and to put away.'
5 And Jesus answering said to them, 'For the stiffness of your heart he wrote you this command,
6 but from the beginning of the creation, a male and a female God did make them;
7 on this account shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave unto his wife,
8 and they shall be -- the two -- for one flesh; so that they are no more two, but one flesh;
9 what therefore God did join together, let not man put asunder.'
28 so ought the husbands to love their own wives as their own bodies: he who is loving his own wife -- himself he does love;
5 Put to death, then, your members that are upon the earth -- whoredom, uncleanness, passion, evil desire, and the covetousness, which is idolatry --
27 they were eating, they were drinking, they were marrying, they were given in marriage, till the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the deluge came, and destroyed all;
22 The wives! to your own husbands subject yield yourselves, as to the Lord,
23 because the husband is head of the wife, as also the Christ is head of the assembly, and he is saviour of the body,
13 the meats are for the belly, and the belly for the meats. And God both this and these shall make useless; and the body is not for whoredom, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body;
14 and God both the Lord did raise, and us will raise up through His power.
21 yea they did not reform from their murders, nor from their sorceries, nor from their whoredoms, nor from their thefts.
3 to the wife let the husband the due benevolence render, and in like manner also the wife to the husband;
4 the wife over her own body has not authority, but the husband; and, in like manner also, the husband over his own body has not authority, but the wife.
5 Defraud not one another, except by consent for a time, that you may be free for fasting and prayer, and again may come together, that the Adversary may not tempt you because of your incontinence;
27 'You heard that it was said to the ancients: You shall not commit adultery;
28 but I -- I say to you, that every one who is looking on a woman to desire her, did already commit adultery with her in his heart.
12 and if a woman may put away her husband, and is married to another, she commits adultery.'
25 The husbands! love your own wives, as also the Christ did love the assembly, and did give himself for it,
26 that he might sanctify it, having cleansed it with the bathing of the water in the saying,
2 for the married woman to the living husband has been bound by law, and if the husband may die, she has been free from the law of the husband;
3 so, then, the husband being alive, an adulteress she shall be called if she may become another man's; and if the husband may die, she is free from the law, so as not to be an adulteress, having become another man's.
6 if any one is blameless, of one wife a husband, having children stedfast faithful, not under accusation of riotous living reckless lifestyle or insubordinate --
32 And I wish you to be without anxiety; the unmarried is anxious for the things of the Lord, how he shall please the Lord;
33 and the married is anxious for the things of the world, how he shall please the wife.
34 The wife and the virgin have been distinguished: the unmarried is anxious for the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and in spirit, and the married is anxious for the things of the world, how she shall please the husband.
5 and said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and cleave to his wife, and they shall be -- the two -- for one flesh?
6 So that they are no more two, but one flesh; what therefore God did join together, let no man put asunder.'
3 to the wife let the husband the due benevolence render, and in like manner also the wife to the husband;
4 the wife over her own body has not authority, but the husband; and, in like manner also, the husband over his own body has not authority, but the wife.
5 Defraud not one another, except by consent for a time, that you may be free for fasting and prayer, and again may come together, that the Adversary may not tempt you because of your incontinence;
14 and above all these things, have love, which is a bond of the perfection,
31 'for this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined to his wife, and they shall be -- the two -- for one flesh;'
9 have you not known that the unrighteous the reign of God shall not inherit? be not led astray; neither whoremongers, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor sodomites,
10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, the reign of God shall inherit.
20 'But I have against you a few things: That you do allow the woman Jezebel, who is calling herself a prophetess, to teach, and to lead astray, my servants to commit whoredom, and idol-sacrifices to eat;
2 and because of the whoredom let each man have his own wife, and let each woman have her proper husband;
10 And Jesus having bent himself back, and having seen no one but the woman, said to her, 'Woman, where are those -- your accusers? did no one pass sentence upon you?'
11 and she said, 'No one, Sir;' and Jesus said to her, 'Neither do I pass sentence on you; be going on, and no more sin.'
39 A wife has been bound by law as long time as her husband may live, and if her husband may sleep, she is free to be married to whom she will -- only in the Lord;
6 So that they are no more two, but one flesh; what therefore God did join together, let no man put asunder.'
33 but you also, every one in particular -- let each his own wife so love as himself, and the wife -- that she may reverence the husband.
2 because true and righteous are His judgments, because He did judge the great whore who did corrupt the earth in her whoredom, and He did avenge the blood of His servants at her hand;'
4 honourable is the marriage in all, and the bed undefiled, and whoremongers and adulterers God shall judge.
4 honourable is the marriage in all, and the bed undefiled, and whoremongers and adulterers God shall judge.
31 'And it was said, That whoever may put away his wife, let him give to her a writing of divorce;
32 but I -- I say to you, that whoever may put away his wife, except for the matter of whoredom, does make her to commit adultery; and whoever may marry her who has been put away does commit adultery.
22 The wives! to your own husbands subject yield yourselves, as to the Lord,
23 because the husband is head of the wife, as also the Christ is head of the assembly, and he is saviour of the body,
24 but even as the assembly is subject to Christ, so also are the wives to their own husbands in everything.
25 The husbands! love your own wives, as also the Christ did love the assembly, and did give himself for it,
26 that he might sanctify it, having cleansed it with the bathing of the water in the saying,
27 that he might present it to himself the assembly in glory, not having spot or wrinkle, or any of such things, but that it may be holy and unblemished;
28 so ought the husbands to love their own wives as their own bodies: he who is loving his own wife -- himself he does love;
29 for no one ever his own flesh did hate, but does nourish and cherish it, as also the Lord -- the assembly,
30 because members we are of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones;
31 'for this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined to his wife, and they shall be -- the two -- for one flesh;'
32 this secret is great, and I speak in regard to Christ and to the assembly;
33 but you also, every one in particular -- let each his own wife so love as himself, and the wife -- that she may reverence the husband.
4 honourable is the marriage in all, and the bed undefiled, and whoremongers and adulterers God shall judge.
24 'Teacher, Moses said, If any one may die not having children, his brother shall marry his wife, and shall raise up seed to his brother.
30 for in the rising again they do not marry, nor are they given in marriage, but are as messengers of God in heaven.
36 And there was Anna, a prophetess, daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher, she was much advanced in days, having lived with an husband seven years from her virginity,
25 The husbands! love your own wives, as also the Christ did love the assembly, and did give himself for it,
26 that he might sanctify it, having cleansed it with the bathing of the water in the saying,
27 that he might present it to himself the assembly in glory, not having spot or wrinkle, or any of such things, but that it may be holy and unblemished;
1 And concerning the things of which you wrote to me: good it is for a man not to touch a woman,
2 and because of the whoredom let each man have his own wife, and let each woman have her proper husband;
33 but you also, every one in particular -- let each his own wife so love as himself, and the wife -- that she may reverence the husband.
7 The husbands, in like manner, dwelling with them, according to knowledge, as to a weaker vessel -- to the wife -- imparting honour, as also being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers be not hindered.
7 The husbands, in like manner, dwelling with them, according to knowledge, as to a weaker vessel -- to the wife -- imparting honour, as also being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers be not hindered.
14 and above all these things, have love, which is a bond of the perfection,
15 and let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body, and become thankful.
16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing each other, in psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs, in grace singing in your hearts to the Lord;
17 and all, whatever you may do in word or in work, do all things in the name of the Lord Jesus -- giving thanks to the God and Father, through him.
14 for the unbelieving husband has been sanctified in the wife, and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified in the husband; otherwise your children are unclean, but now they are holy.
22 The wives! to your own husbands subject yield yourselves, as to the Lord,
23 because the husband is head of the wife, as also the Christ is head of the assembly, and he is saviour of the body,
24 but even as the assembly is subject to Christ, so also are the wives to their own husbands in everything.
2 it benefits, therefore, the overseer to be blameless, of one wife a husband, vigilant, sober, decent, a friend of strangers, apt to teach,
12 Ministers -- let them be of one wife husbands; the children leading well, and their own houses,
14 Become not yoked with others -- unbelievers, for what partaking is there to righteousness and lawlessness?
1 Whoredom is actually heard of among you, and such whoredom as is not even named among the nations -- as that one has the wife of the father! --
2 and you are having been puffed up, and did not rather mourn, that he may be removed out of the midst of you who did this work,