2 that he hence forwarde shuld lyve as moche tyme as remayneth in the flesshe: not after ye lustes of men but after the will of God.
3 For it is sufficient for vs that we have spent the tyme that is past of the lyfe after the will of the gentyls walkinge in wantannes lustes dronkennes in eatinge drinkinge and in abominable ydolatrie.
4 And it semeth to them a straunge thinge that ye runne not also with them vnto the same excesse of ryote and therfore speake they evill of you
5 which shall geve a coptes to him that is redy to iudge quycke and deed.
6 For vnto this purpose verely was ye gospell preached vnto the (deed) that they shuld be condempned of men in ye flesshe but shuld live before God in the sprete.
7 The ende of all thinges is at honde. Be ye therfore discrete and sober yt ye maye be apte to prayers.