44 Oure fathers had the tabernacle of witnes in ye wyldernes as he had apoynted the speakynge vnto Moses that he shuld make it acordynge to the fassion that he had sene.

45 Which tabernacle oure fathers receaved and brought it in with Iosue into the possession of the gentyls which God drave out before the face of oure fathers vnto the tyme of David

46 which founde favour before God and desyred that he myght fynde a tabernacle for the God of Iacob.

47 But Salomon bylt him an housse.

48 How be it he that is hyest of all dwelleth not in teple made with hondes as saith the Prophete:

49 Heven is my seate and erth is my fote stole what housse will ye bylde for me sayth the Lorde? or what place is it that I shuld rest in?

50 hath not my honde made all these thinges?