18 In the mornynge as he returned in to the cyte ageyne he hungred
19 and spyed a fygge trre in the waye and came to it and founde nothinge theron but leves only and sayd to it never frute growe on the hence forwardes. And ano the fygge tree wyddered awaye.
20 And when his disciples sawe that they marveled sayinge: Howe sone is the fygge tree wyddered awaye?
21 Iesus answered and sayde vnto the: Verely I saye vnto you yf ye shall have faith and shall not dout ye shall not only do that which I have done to the fygge tree: but also yf ye shall saye vnto this moutayne take thy silfe awaye and cast thy silfe into the see it shalbe done.
22 And whatsoever ye shall axe in prayer (if ye beleve) ye shall receave it.