1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge:
2 geue ye childern of Israel a charge and saye vnto them that they take hede to offer vnto me ye offryng of my bred in the sacrifyce of swete sauoure in his due season.
3 And saye vnto the. This is ye offerynge which ye shall offer vnto ye Lorde .ij. labes of a yeare olde with out spot daye by daye to be a burntofferynge perpetually.
4 One lambe thou shalt offer in the mornynge and ye other at euen
5 And thereto ye teth parte of an Epha of floure for a meatofferynge myngled with beten oyle the fourth parte of an hin:
6 which is a dayly offerynge ordened in the mount Sinai vnto a swete sauoure in the sacrifyce of ye Lorde.
7 And the drynkofferynge of the same: the fourth parte of an hin vnto one lambe and poure the drynkofferynge in the holy place to be good drynke vnto the Lorde.
8 And ye other lambe thou shalt offer at euen with the meatofferynge and the drynkofferynge after ye maner of the mornynge: a sacrifyce of a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde.
9 And on the Sabbath daye .ij. lambes of a yere olde a pece and with out spot and two tethdeales of floure for a meatofferynge myngled with oyle and the drynkofferynge thereto.
10 This is the burntofferynge of euery Sabbath besides the dayly burntofferynge and his drynkofferynge.
11 And in the first daye of youre monethes ye shall offer a burntofferynge vnto the Lorde: two yonge bollockes and a ram and .vij. lambes of a yere olde without spott
12 and .iij. tethdeales of floure for a meatofferynge mingled with oyle vnto one bollocke and .ij. tethdeales of floure for a meatofferynge myngled with oyle vnto one ra.
13 And euer moare a tethdeale of floure myngled with oyle for a meatofferinge vnto one labe. That is a burntofferynge of a swete sauoure in the sacrifyce of the Lorde.
14 And their drynkofferynges shalbe halfe an hin of wyne vnto one bollocke ad the thyrde parte of an hin of wyne vnto a ram and the fourth parte of an hin vnto a lambe. This is the burntofferynge of euery moneth thorow out all the monethes of the yere:
15 and one he goote for a synofferynge vnto the Lorde which shalbe offered with the dayly burntofferynge and his drynkofferynge.
16 And the .xiiij. daye of the first moneth shalbe Passeouer vnto the Lorde.
17 And ye .xv. daye of the same moneth shalbe a feast in which vij. dayes men must eate vnleueded bred
18 The first daye shalbe an holy feast so that ye shall do no maner of laboryous worke therein.
19 And ye shall offer a burntofferynge vnto the Lorde .ij. bollockes one ram and .vij. lambes of a yere olde without spott
20 and their meatofferynge of floure myngled with oyle .iij. tenthdeales vnto a bollocke and .ij. tenthdeales vnto a ram
21 and euermoare one tenthdeale vnto a lambe thorow out the .vij. lambes:
22 and an hegoote for a synofferynge to make an atonement for you.
23 And ye shall offer these besyde the burntofferynge in ye mornynge that is allway offered.
24 And after this maner ye shall offer thorow out the .vij. dayes the fode of the sacrifice of swete sauoure vnto the Lorde. And it shalbe done besyde the dayly burntofferynge and his drynkofferynge.
25 And the seuenth daye shall be an holy feast vnto you so that ye shall doo no laboryous worke therein.
26 And the daye of youre first frutes when ye brynge a new meatofferynge vnto the Lorde in youre wekes shalbe an holy feast vnto you:
27 so that ye shall doo no laboryous worke therein. And ye shall offer a burntofferynge of a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde .ij. younge bollockes and a ram and .vij. lambes of a yere olde a pece
28 with their meatofferynges of floure myngled with oyle .iij. tenthdeales vnto a bollocke .ij. tenth deales to a ram
29 ad euer moare one tenthdeale vnto a lambe thorow out the .vij. lambes
30 ad an hegoote to make an atonement for you.
31 And this ye shall doo besydes the dayly burntofferynge and his meatofferynge: and they shalbe without spot with their drynkofferynges.