
8 And the Lorde he shall goo before the ad he shall be with the, and wil not let the goo nor forsake the, feare not therfore nor be discomforted.

28 And he was there with the Lorde .xl. dayes ad .xl. nyghtes, ad nether ate bred nor dronke water. And he wrote in the tables the wordes of the couenaunt: euen ten verses.

5 Therfore in the .xiiij. yere came kedorlaomer and the kynges that were wyth hym and smote the Raphayms in Astarath Karnaim and the Susims in Hain ad the Emyms in Sabe Kariathaim

10 And he sayde: beholde, I make an appoyntment before all this people, that I will do maruells: soch as haue not bene done i all the worlde, nether amoge any nacyon. And all the people amonge which thou art, shall se the worke of the Lorde: for it is a terryble thinge that I will doo with the:

10 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge:

11 Phineas the sonne of Eleazer the sonne of Aaron the preast hath turned myne anger awaye from the childern of Israel because he was gelous for my sake amonge them that I had not cosumed the childern of Israel in my gelousye.

12 Wherfore saye: beholde I geue vnto him my couenaunte of pease

13 and he shall haue it and his seed after him euen the couenaunte of the preastis office for euer because he was gelous for his Gods sake and made an atonement for the childern of Israel.

3 And Abra fell on his face. And God talked moreover with hym saynge:

4 I am beholde my testamet is with the that thou shalt be a father of many natios.

5 Therfore shalt thou no more be called Abram but thy name shalbe Abraham: for a father of many nations haue I made the

6 and I will multiplye the excedyngly and wyll make nations of the: yee and kynges shall sprynge out of the.

7 Moreover I will make my bonde betwene me and the and thy seed after the in their tymes to be an everlastynge testament So that I wyll be God vnto the and to thy seed after the.

8 And I will geue vnto the ad to thy seed after the the lande where in thou arte a straunger: Euen all the lande of Canaan for an everlastynge possession and wil be their God.

9 And God sayde vnto Abraha: Se thou kepe my testamente both thou and thy seed after the in their tymes:

10 This is my testamente which ye shall kepe betwene me and you and thy seed after the that ye circucyse all youre men childern ye shall circumcyse

11 the foreskynne of youre flesh ad it shal be a token of the bond betwixte me and you.

15 And for this cause is he the mediator of ye newe testament that thorow deeth which chaunsed for the redempcion of those transgressions that were in ye fyrst testamet) they which were called myght receave the promes of eternall inheritaunce.

13 I wyll sette my bowe in the cloudes and it shall be a sygne of the appoyntment made betwene me and the erth:

18 And that same daye the LORde made a covenaunte with Abram saynge: vnto thy seed wyll I geue thys londe fro the ryver of Egypte even vnto the greate ryver euphrates:

19 the kenytes the kenizites the Cadmonites

20 the Hethites the Pherezites the Raphaims

21 the Amorytes the Canaanites the Gergesites and the Iebusites.

20 The god of peace that brought agayne fro deth oure lorde Iesus the gret shepperde of the shepe thorowe the bloud of the everlastynge testamet

21 make you parfect in all good workes to do his will workynge in you yt which is pleasaut in his syght thorow Iesus christ To whom be prayse for ever whill the worlde endureth Amen.

28 And he was there with the Lorde .xl. dayes ad .xl. nyghtes, ad nether ate bred nor dronke water. And he wrote in the tables the wordes of the couenaunt: euen ten verses.

13 And he declared vnto you his couenaunt, which he commaunded you to doo, euen .x. verses and wrote them in two tables of stone.

31 And I will make thi costes fro the red see vnto the see of the Philistenes and from the deserte vnto the ryuer. I will delyuer the inhabiters of the londe in to thine hande, and thou shalt dryue them out before the.

32 And thou shalt make none appoyntment with them nor wyth their goddes.

6 Now hath he obtayned a more excellent office in as moche as he is the mediator of a better testament which was made for better promyses.

11 I make my bonde wyth yow that hence forth all flesh shall not be destroyed wyth yt waters of any floud ad yt hence forth there shall not be a floud to destroy the erth.

5 Now therfore yf ye will heare my voyce and kepe myne appoyntment: ye shall be myne awne aboue all nations, for all the erth is myne.

6 which hath made vs able to minister the newe testamet not of the letter but of the sprete. For the letter kylleth but the sprete geveth lyfe.

9 Vnderstonde therfore, that the Lorde thy God he is God and that a true God, which kepeth poyntment and mercy vnto them that loue him and kepe his commaundmentes, euen thorowe out a thousande generacions

24 Which thinges betoken mystery. For these wemen are two testamentes the one fro the mounte Sina which gendreth vnto bondage which is Agar.

25 For mounte Sina is called Agar in Arabia and bordreth vpo the citie which is now Ierusalem and is in bondage with her chyldren.

26 But Ierusalem which is above is fre: which is the mother of vs all.

15 And for this cause is he the mediator of ye newe testament that thorow deeth which chaunsed for the redempcion of those transgressions that were in ye fyrst testamet) they which were called myght receave the promes of eternall inheritaunce.

8 Farthermore God spake vnto Noe and to hys sonnes wyth hym saynge:

9 see I make my bod wyth you and youre seed after you

10 and wyth all lyvynge thinge that is wyth you: both foule and catell and all maner beste of the erth that is wyth yow of all that commeth out of the arke what soeuer beste of the erth it be.

11 I make my bonde wyth yow that hence forth all flesh shall not be destroyed wyth yt waters of any floud ad yt hence forth there shall not be a floud to destroy the erth.

12 And God sayd. This is the token of my bode which I make betwene me and yow ad betwene all lyvynge thyng that is with yow for ever:

13 I wyll sette my bowe in the cloudes and it shall be a sygne of the appoyntment made betwene me and the erth: