37 Iesus sayde vnto him: love the Lorde thy God wt all thine herte with all thy soule and with all thy mynde.
38 This is the fyrst and the chefe comaundement.
39 And ther is another lyke vnto this. Love thyne neghbour as thy selfe.
13 Now abideth fayth hope and love even these thre: but the chefe of these is love.
13 Now abideth fayth hope and love even these thre: but the chefe of these is love.
9 Let love be wt out dissimulacion. Hate that which is evyll and cleave vnto that which is good.
10 Be kynde one to another with brotherly love. In gevynge honoure goo one before another.
13 Now abideth fayth hope and love even these thre: but the chefe of these is love.
13 Gretter love then this hath no man then that a man bestowe his lyfe for his frendes.
2 And though I coulde prophesy and vnderstode all secretes and all knowledge: yee yf I had all fayth so that I coulde move moutayns oute of ther places and yet had no love I were nothynge.
7 Beloved let vs love one another: for love cometh of God. And every one that loveth is borne of God and knoweth God.
8 He that loveth not knoweth not God: for God is love.
5 And ye lorde gyde youre hertes vnto ye love of God and paciece of Christ.
15 If ye love me kepe my comaundementes
13 Gretter love then this hath no man then that a man bestowe his lyfe for his frendes.
35 Wherfore love ye youre enemys do good and lende lokynge for nothinge agayne and youre rewarde shalbe greate and ye shalbe the chyldren of the hyest: for he is kynde vnto the vnkynde and to the evyll.
30 And thou shalt love the Lorde thy God with all thy hert and with all thy soule and with all thy mynde and with all thy strength. This is the fyrste commaundement.
31 And the seconde is lyke vnto this: Thou shalt love thy neghbour as thy silfe. Ther is none other commaundement greater then these.
37 Iesus sayde vnto him: love the Lorde thy God wt all thine herte with all thy soule and with all thy mynde.
38 This is the fyrst and the chefe comaundement.
39 And ther is another lyke vnto this. Love thyne neghbour as thy selfe.
40 In these two commaundemetes hange all the lawe and the Prophetes.
16 Herby perceave we love: that he gave his lyfe for vs: and therfore ought we also to geve oure lyves for the brethre.
17 Whosoever hath this worldes good and seith his brother have neade: and shutteth vp his copassion from him: how dwelleth the love of God in him?
18 My babes let vs not love in worde nether in tonge: but with dede and in veritie:
19 We love him for he loved vs fyrst.
38 Ye and I am sure that nether deeth nether lyfe nether angels nor rule nether power nether thinges present nether thinges to come
39 nether heyth nether loweth nether eny other creature shalbe able to departe vs fro ye love of God shewed in Christ Iesu oure lorde.
9 But as it is written: The eye hath not sene and the eare hath not hearde nether have entred into the herte of man ye thinges which God hath prepared for them that love him.
14 Above all these thinges put on love which is the bonde of parfectnes.
8 He that loveth not knoweth not God: for God is love.
14 Let all youre busynes be done in love.
14 Let all youre busynes be done in love.
16 that he wolde graunt you acordynge to the ryches of his glory that ye maye be strenghted with myght by his sprete in the inner man
17 yt Christ maye dwell in youre hertes by fayth yt ye beynge roted and grounded in loue
21 He that hath my comaundemetes and kepeth them the same is he that loveth me. And he yt loveth me shall be loved of my father: and I will love him and will shewe myne awne selfe vnto him.
22 Iudas sayde vnto him (not Iudas Iscarioth) Lorde what is the cause that thou wilt shewe thy selfe vnto vs and not vnto the worlde?
23 Iesus answered and sayde vnto him: yf a man love me and wyll kepe my sayinges my father also will love him and we will come vnto him and will dwelle with him.
24 He that loveth me not kepeth not my sayinges. And the wordes which ye heare are not myne but the fathers which sent me.
16 For God so loveth the worlde yt he hath geven his only sonne that none that beleve in him shuld perisshe: but shuld have everlastinge lyfe.
16 And we have knowen and beleved the love that god hath to vs. God is love and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in god and god in him.
8 But above all thinges have fervet love amoge you. For love covereth the multitude of synnes.
13 Gretter love then this hath no man then that a man bestowe his lyfe for his frendes.
14 We knowe that we are translated from deeth vnto lyfe be cause we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abydeth in deeth.
4 Love suffreth longe and is corteous. Love envieth not. Love doth not frowardly swelleth not dealeth
5 not dishonestly seketh not her awne is not provoked to anger thynketh not evyll
6 reioyseth not in iniquite: but reioyseth in ye trueth
7 suffreth all thynge beleveth all thynges hopeth all thynges endureth in all thynges.
12 This is my commaundement that ye love togedder as I have loved you.
3 This is ye love of god yt we kepe his comaundemetes and his comaundementes are not greveous
44 But I saye vnto you love youre enimies. Blesse the that coursse you. Do good to them that hate you. Praye for them which doo you wronge and persecute you
16 And we have knowen and beleved the love that god hath to vs. God is love and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in god and god in him.
17 Herin is the love perfect in vs that we shuld have trust in the daye of iudgement: For as he is even so are we in this worlde.
18 Ther is no feare in love but parfect love casteth out all feare for feare hath paynfulnes. He yt feareth is not parfect in love.
8 But above all thinges have fervet love amoge you. For love covereth the multitude of synnes.
10 Be kynde one to another with brotherly love. In gevynge honoure goo one before another.
2 in all humblenes of mynde and meknes and longe sufferynge forbearinge one another thorowe love
14 Above all these thinges put on love which is the bonde of parfectnes.
8 Owe nothinge to eny man: but to love one another. For he that loveth another fulfylleth the lawe.
11 Beloved yf god so loved vs we ought also to love one another.
12 Therfore whatsoever ye wolde that men shulde do to you even so do ye to them. This ys the lawe and the Prophettes.
25 Husbandes love youre wyves even as Christ loved the congregacion and gave him silfe for it
26 to sanctifie it and clensed it in the fountayne of water thorow the worde
38 Ye and I am sure that nether deeth nether lyfe nether angels nor rule nether power nether thinges present nether thinges to come
39 nether heyth nether loweth nether eny other creature shalbe able to departe vs fro ye love of God shewed in Christ Iesu oure lorde.
1 Beholde what love the father hath shewed on vs that we shuld be called the sonnes of god. For this cause the worlde knoweth you not because it knoweth not him.
19 We love him for he loved vs fyrst.
9 Let love be wt out dissimulacion. Hate that which is evyll and cleave vnto that which is good.
9 Let love be wt out dissimulacion. Hate that which is evyll and cleave vnto that which is good.
40 And ye kynge shall answere and saye vnto them: verely I saye vnto you: in as moche as ye have done it vnto one of ye leest of these my brethren ye have done it to me.
4 Love suffreth longe and is corteous. Love envieth not. Love doth not frowardly swelleth not dealeth
5 not dishonestly seketh not her awne is not provoked to anger thynketh not evyll
11 For this is the tydinges that ye hearde fro the begynninge that we shuld love one another:
7 Beloved let vs love one another: for love cometh of God. And every one that loveth is borne of God and knoweth God.
14 For all ye lawe is fulfilled in one worde which is this: thou shalt love thyne neghbour as thy selfe.
9 As the father hath loved me eve so have I leved you. Continue in my love.
10 Yf ye shall kepe my comaudemetes ye shall byde in my love eve as I have kept my fathers comaundementes and byde in his love.
12 No man hath sene god at enytyme. Yf we love one another god dwelleth in vs and his love is parfect in vs.
16 Herby perceave we love: that he gave his lyfe for vs: and therfore ought we also to geve oure lyves for the brethre.
17 Whosoever hath this worldes good and seith his brother have neade: and shutteth vp his copassion from him: how dwelleth the love of God in him?
18 My babes let vs not love in worde nether in tonge: but with dede and in veritie:
21 And this commaundemet have we of him: that he which loveth God shuld love his brother also.
13 forbearynge one another and forgevynge one another if eny man have a quarrell to a nother even as Christ forgave you even so do ye.
14 Above all these thinges put on love which is the bonde of parfectnes.
8 But God setteth out his love that he hath to vs seinge that whyll we were yet synners Christ dyed for vs.
9 And this I praye yt youre love maye increace more and more in knowledge and in all fealinge
10 that ye myght accepte thinges most excellent that ye myght be pure and soche as shuld hurte no manes conscience vntyll the daye of Christ
11 filled with the frutes of rightewesnes which frutes come by Iesus Christ vnto the glory and laude of God.
8 But above all thinges have fervet love amoge you. For love covereth the multitude of synnes.
16 For God so loveth the worlde yt he hath geven his only sonne that none that beleve in him shuld perisshe: but shuld have everlastinge lyfe.
19 We love him for he loved vs fyrst.
20 Yf a man saye I love god and yet hate his brother he is a lyar. For how can he yt loveth not his brother whom he hath sene love god whom he hath not sene?
34 A newe commaundment geve I vnto you that ye love to gedder as I have loved you that even so ye love one another
35 . By this shall all me knowe yt ye are my disciples yf ye shall have love one to another.
20 Yf a man saye I love god and yet hate his brother he is a lyar. For how can he yt loveth not his brother whom he hath sene love god whom he hath not sene?
9 In this appered ye love of god to vs ward because that god sent his only begotten sonne into the worlde that we myght live thorow him.
10 Herin is love not that we loved god but that he loved vs and sent his sonne to make agrement for oure sinnes.