7 For god hath not geven to vs the sprete of feare: but of power and of love and of sobrenes of mynde.
13 I can do all thynges thorow the helpe of Christ which strengtheth me.
6 and am suerly certified of this that he which beganne a good worke in you shall go forthe with it vntyll the daye of Iesus Christ
6 in the which tyme ye shall reioyce though now for a season (if nede requyre) ye are in hevines thorowe manifolde temptacions
11 For I longe to see you that I myght bestowe amoge you some spirituall gyfte to strength you with all:
12 that is that I myght have consolacion together with you through the commen fayth which bothe ye and I have.
16 Wherfore we are not weried but though oure vttward man perisshe yet the inwarde man is renewed daye by daye.
11 Wherfore comforte youre selves togedder and edifie one another even as ye do.
7 Therfore brethre we had consolacion in you in all oure adversite and necessite through youre fayth.