8 Brynge forth therfore the frutes belongynge to repentauce.
32 I came not to call ye rightewes but synners to repentauce.
30 And the tyme of this ignoraunce God regarded not: but now he byddeth all men every where repent
3 I tell you naye: but except ye repent ye shall all in lyke wyse perysshe.
17 From yt tyme Iesus begane to preache and to saye: repet for ye kigdome of heve is at hode.
38 Peter sayde vnto them: repent and be baptised every one of you in the name of Iesus Christ for the remission of synnes and ye shall receave the gyfte of the holy goost.
7 I say vnto you yt lyke wyse ioye shalbe in heven over one synner yt repenteth moore then over nynety and nyne iuste persons whiche nede noo repentauce.
9 Yf we knowledge oure synnes he is faythfull and iust to forgeve vs oure synnes and to clense vs from all vnrightewesnes.
8 Drawe nye to god and he will drawe nye to you. Clense youre hondes ye synners and pourdge youre hertes ye waverynge mynded.
19 As many as I love I rebuke and chasten. Be fervent therfore and repet.
19 Repent ye therfore and turne yt youre synnes maye be done awaye when the tyme of refresshinge commeth which we shall have of the presence of the Lorde
15 and sayinge: the tyme is come and the kyngdome of God is at honde repent and beleve the gospell.
9 The lorde is not slacke to fulfill his promes as some men cout slacknes: but is pacient to vs warde and wolde have no man lost but wolde receave all men to repentauce.
13 Goo and learne what that meaneth: I have pleasure in mercy and not in offerynge. For I am not come to call the rightewes but the synners to repentaunce.
10 Lykwyse I saye vnto you ioye is made in ye presence of ye angels of god over one synner yt repenteth.