10 For we are his worckmanshippe created in Christ Iesu vnto good workes vnto the which god ordeyned vs before that we shuld walke in them.
16 Wherfore we are not weried but though oure vttward man perisshe yet the inwarde man is renewed daye by daye.
9 Lykwyse also the wemen that they araye them selves in comlye aparell with shamfastnes and discrete behaveour not with broyded heare other golde or pearles or costly araye:
10 but with suche as becometh wemen that professe the worshippynge of God thorow good workes.
27 And God created man after hys lycknesse after the lycknesse of god created he him: male and female created he them.
3 Whose apparell shall not be outwarde with broyded heare and hanginge on of golde other in puttinge on of gorgious aparell:
4 but let the hyd man of the herte be incorrupt with a meke and a quyet sprete which sprete is before God a thinge moche set by.