33 Be not deceaved: malicious speakinges corrupte good maners.
22 But ye frute of sprete is loue ioye peace longesufferinge getlenes goodnes faythfulnes
23 meknes temperancye. Agaynst suche ther is no lawe.
9 Lykwyse also the wemen that they araye them selves in comlye aparell with shamfastnes and discrete behaveour not with broyded heare other golde or pearles or costly araye:
10 but with suche as becometh wemen that professe the worshippynge of God thorow good workes.
15 nether do men lyght a cadell and put it vnder a busshell but on a candelstick and it lighteth all that are in the house.
16 Let youre light so shyne before men yt they maye se youre good workes and glorify youre father which is in heven.
13 Moreover who is it that will harme you yf ye folowe yt which is good?
10 Whill we have therfore tyme let vs do good vnto all men and specially vnto them which are of the housholde of fayth.
32 Be ye courteouse one to another and mercifull forgevynge one another eve as god for Christes sake forgave you.
5 And hervnto geve all diligence: in youre fayth minister vertve and in vertue knowledge
6 and in knowledge temperancy and in temrancy pacience in pacience godlynes
7 in godlynes brotherly kyndnes in brotherly kyndnes love.
23 All thynges are lawfull to me but all thinges edifye not.
36 Be ye therfore mercifull as youre father is mercifull.
9 Let love be wt out dissimulacion. Hate that which is evyll and cleave vnto that which is good.
14 which gave him silfe for vs to redeme vs from all vnrightewesnes and to pourge vs a peculiar people vnto him silfe fervently geven vnto good workes.
29 Let no filthy comunicacion procede out of youre mouthes: but yt whych is good to edefye with all when nede ys: that it maye have faveour with the hearers.
21 Be not overcome of evyll: But overcome evyll wt goodnes.
8 God is able to make you ryche in all grace that ye in all thynges havynge sufficiet vnto the vttmoste maye be ryche vnto all manner good workes