22 For ye Iewes requyre a signe and the Grekes seke after wysdome.
23 But we preache Christ crucified vnto the Iewes an occasion of fallinge and vnto the Grekes folisshnes:
24 but vnto the which are called both of Iewes and Grekes we preache Christ ye power of God and the wysdome of God.
2 preache the worde be fervent be it in season or out of season. Improve rebuke exhorte with all longe sufferinge and doctryne.
30 And Philip ranne to him and hearde him rede ye prophet Esayas and sayde: Vnderstondest thou what thou redest?
31 And he sayd: how can I except I had a gyde? And he desyred Philip that he wold come vp and sit wt him.
32 The tenoure of ye scripture which he redde was this. He was ledde as a shepe to be slayne: and lyke a lambe dome before his sherer so opened he not his mouth.
14 But how shall they call on him on who they beleved not? how shall they beleve on him of whom they have not herde? how shall they heare with out a preacher?
15 And how shall they preach except they be sent? As it is written: how beautifull are the fete of them which bringe glad tydynges of peace and bringe glad tydynges of good thinges.
16 But they have not all obeyed to ye gospell. For Esaias sayth: Lorde who shall beleve oure sayinges?
17 So then fayth cometh by hearynge and hearynge cometh by the worde of God.
16 For I am not ashamed of the Gospell of Christ because it is ye power of God vnto salvacio to all yt beleve namely to the Iewe and also to ye getyle.
17 For by it ye rightewesnes which cometh of god is opened fro fayth to fayth. As it is written: The iust shall live by fayth.
4 He answered and sayde: yt is wrytten man shall not lyve by brede onlye but by every worde yt proceadeth out of the mouth of God.
11 These were the noblest of byrthe amonge the of Thessalonia which receaved the worde wt all diligence of mynde and searched ye scriptures dayly whether those thinges were even so.
21 Hath not God made the wysdome of this worlde folisshnes? For when the worlde thorow wysdome knew not God in ye wysdome of God: it pleased God thorow folisshnes of preachinge to save them yt beleve.
35 And Philip opened his mouth and beganne at ye same scripture and preached vnto him Iesus.
12 For the worde of god is quycke and myghty in operacion and sharper then eny two edged swearde: and entreth through even vnto the dividynge asonder of the soule and the sprete and of the ioyntes and the mary: and iudgeth the thoughtes and the intentes of the herte:
7 Go and preach sayinge: yt the kyngdome of heve is at hande.
6 I marvayle that ye are so sone turned fro him that called you in the grace of Christ vnto another gospell:
7 which is nothinge els but that ther be some which trouble you and intende to pervert to gospell of Christ.
8 Neverthelesse though we oure selves or an angell fro heve preache eny other gospell vnto you the that which we have preached vnto you holde him as a cursed.
9 As I sayde before so saye I now agayne yf eny man preache eny other thinge vnto you then that ye have receaved holde him accursed.
4 Whatsoever thinges are written afore tyme are written for oure learnynge that we thorow pacience and comforte of the scripture myght have hope.
17 Sanctify the wt thy truth. Thy sayinge is truth.
18 I testifye vnto every man that heareth the wordes of prophesy of thys boke. yf eny man shall adde vnto these thynges god shall adde vnto him the plages that are wrytten in this boke.
19 And yf eny man shall mynyshe of the wordes of ye boke of this prophesy god shall take a waye his parte out of the boke of lyfe and oute of ye holy citie and fro thoo thynge which are written in this boke.
39 Searche the scriptures for in them ye thinke ye have eternall lyfe: and they are they which testify of me.
16 For all scripture geve by inspiracion of god is proffitable to teache to improve to amende and to instruct in rightewesnes
17 yt ye man of god maye be perfect and prepared vnto all good workes.
18 And Iesus came and spake vnto them sayinge: All power ys geve vnto me in heve and in erth.
19 Go therfore and teache all nacions baptysinge them in the name of the father and the sonne and the holy goost:
20 Teachinge them to observe all thynges what soever I comcommaunded you. And lo I am with you all waye even vntyll the ende of the worlde.
20 So that ye fyrst knowe this. that no prophesye in the scripture hath eny private interpretacio.
21 For the scripture came never by the will of man: but holy men of god spake as they were moved by the holy goost.
9 But ye are a chosyn generacion a royall presthod an holy nacio and a peculiar people that ye shuld shewe the vertues of him that called you out of darknes into hys marvelous light
25 And he sayde vnto the: O foles and slowe of herte to beleve all yt the prophetes have spoken.
26 Ought not Christ to have suffred these thinges and to enter into his glory?
27 And he began at Moses and at all the prophetes and interpreted vnto them in all scriptures which were wrytten of him.
12 And we have not receaved the sprete of ye worlde: but the sprete which cometh of god for to knowe the thinges that are geve to vs of god
13 which thinges also we speake not in the conynge wordes of manes wysdome but with the conynge wordes of the holy goost makynge spretuall coparesons of spretuall thinges.
14 For ye naturall man perceaveth not the thinges of the sprete of god. For they are but folysshnes vnto him. Nether can he perceave them because he is spretually examined.
25 but the worde of the lorde endureth ever. And this is the worde which by the gospell was preached amonge you.
15 and for as moche also as thou hast knowe holy scripture of a chylde which is able to make the wyse vnto saluacion thorowe the fayth which ys in Christ Iesu.
16 For all scripture geve by inspiracion of god is proffitable to teache to improve to amende and to instruct in rightewesnes
17 yt ye man of god maye be perfect and prepared vnto all good workes.
15 Study to shewe thy silfe laudable vnto god a workman yt nedeth not to be a shamed dividynge the worde of trueth iustly
15 And suppose that ye longe sufferynge of the lorde is saluacion even as oure derely beloved brother Paul accordynge to ye wysdome geve vnto him wrote to you
16 yee almost in very pistle speakynge of soche thynges: amoge which are many thynges harde to be vnderstonde which they that are vnlearned and vnstable pervert as they do other scriptures vnto their awne destruccio.
2 And Paul as his maner was went in vnto them and thre saboth doyes declared oute of the scripture vnto them
3 openynge and allegynge that Christ must nedes have suffred and rysen agayne from deeth and that this Iesus was Christ whom (sayde he) I preache to you.
17 For Christ sent me not to baptyse but to preache ye gospell not with wysdome of wordes lest the crosse of Christ shuld have bene made of none effecte.
35 Heven and erth shall perisshe: but my wordes shall abyde.
13 Till I come geve attendaunce to redynge to exhortacion and to doctryne.