Bom Dia
10 which died for vs: that whether we wake or slepe we shuld lyve togedder with him.
24 The lorde blesse the and kepe the.
25 The lorde make his face shyne apon the and be mercyfull vnto the.
26 The lorde lifte vpp his countenaunce apo the and geue the peace
4 And God sawe the lyghte that it was good: and devyded the lyghte from the darcknesse
5 and called the lyghte daye and the darcknesse nyghte: and so of the evenynge and mornynge was made the fyrst daye
19 We have also a right sure worde of prophesye wher vnto yf ye take hede as vnto a lyght yt shyneth in a darke place ye do wel vntill the daye dawne and the daye starre aryse in youre hertes.