18 Wyves submit youre selves vnto youre awne husbandes as it is comly in the Lorde.
19 Husbandes love youre wyves and be not bitter vnto them.
9 And when Onan perceaued that the seed shulde not be his: therfore when he went in to his brothers wife he spylled it on the grounde because he wold not geue seed vnto his brother.
10 And the thinge which he dyd displeased the LORde wherfore he slew him also.
26 And God sayd: let vs make man in oure symilitude ad after oure lycknesse: that he may have rule over the fysh of the see and over the foules of the ayre and over catell and over all the erth and over all wormes that crepe on the erth.
27 And God created man after hys lycknesse after the lycknesse of god created he him: male and female created he them.
28 And God blessed them and God sayd vnto them. Growe and multiplye and fyll the erth and subdue it and have domynyon over the fysh of the see and over the foules of the ayre and over all the beastes that move on the erth.
3 Let the man geve vnto the wyfe due benevolence. Lykwyse also the wyfe vnto the man.
4 The wyfe hath not power over her awne body: but the husbande. And lykewyse the man hath not power over his awne body: but the wyfe
7 Thei shall take no wife that is an whoore, or poluted, or put fro hir husbonde: for a preast is holy vnto his God.
14 Above all these thinges put on love which is the bonde of parfectnes.
15 And ye peace of god rule in youre hertes to ye which peace ye are called in one body. And se that ye be thankfull.
16 Let the worde of Christ dwell in you plenteously in all wisdome. Teache and exhorte youre awne selves in psalmes and hymnes and spretuall songes which have favour wt them syngynge in youre hertes to the lorde.
17 And all thynges (whatsoever ye do in worde or dede) do in the name of the lorde Iesu gevinge thakes to god the father by him.
5 Mortifie therfore youre membres which are on the erth fornicacio vnclennes vnnaturall lust evyll cocupiscece and coveteousnes which is worshippynge of ydols:
4 Let wedlocke be had in pryce in all poyntes and let the chamber be vndefiled: for whore kepers and advoutrars god will iudge.
15 Se that none recopence evill for evyll vnto eny man: but ever folowe that which is good both amonge youre selves and to all men.
27 They ate they dranke they maryed wyves and were maryed even vnto yt same daye yt Noe went into ye arke: and ye floud cam and destroyed the all.
17 But God plaged Pharao and his house wyth grete plages because of Sarai Abrams wyfe.
18 Then Pharao called Abram and sayd: why hast thou thus dealt with me? Wherfore toldest thou me not that she was thy wyfe?
25 Husbandes love youre wyves even as Christ loved the congregacion and gave him silfe for it
26 to sanctifie it and clensed it in the fountayne of water thorow the worde
18 Fle fornicacion. All synnes that a man dothe are with out ye body. But he yt is a fornicator synneth agaynst his awne body.
19 Ether knowe ye not how that youre bodyes are the temple of ye holy goost which is in you who ye have of God and how that ye are not youre awne?
20 For ye are dearly bought. Therfore glorifie ye God in youre bodyes and in youre spretes for they are goddes.
21 Then the LORde God cast a slomber on Adam and he slepte. And then he toke out one of his rybbes and in stede ther of he fylled vp the place with flesh.
22 And the LORde God made of the rybbe which he toke out of Adam a woma and brought her vnto Adam.
23 Then sayd Ada this is once bone of my boones and flesh of my flesh. This shall be called woman: because she was take of the man.
24 For this cause shall a man leve father and mother and cleve vnto his wyfe and they shall be one flesh.
2 For the woman which is in subieccion to a man is bounde by the lawe to the man as longe as he liveth. Yf the man be deed she is lowsed from the lawe of the man.
3 So then yf whill the man liveth she couple her selfe with another man she shalbe counted a wedlocke breaker. But yf the man be deed she is fre fro the lawe: so that she is no wedlocke breaker though she couple her selfe with another man.
25 Husbandes love youre wyves even as Christ loved the congregacion and gave him silfe for it
26 to sanctifie it and clensed it in the fountayne of water thorow the worde
27 to make it vnto him selfe a glorious congregacion with oute spot or wrynckle or eny soche thinge: but that it shuld be holy and with out blame.
28 So ought men to love their wyves as their awne bodyes. He that loveth his wyfe loveth him sylfe.
29 For no ma ever yet hated his awne flesshe: but norissheth and cherisseth it even as the lorde doth the congregacion.
30 For we are members of his body of his flesshe and of his bones.
14 For ye vnbelevynge husbande is sanctified by the wyfe: and the vnbelevynge wyfe is sanctified by the husbande. Or els were youre chyldren vnclene: but now are they pure.
10 and whormongers: to them that defile them selves with mankynde: to menstealers: to lyars and to periured and so forth yf ther be eny other thinge that is cotrary to holsome doctrine
3 So that fornicacion and all vnclennes or coveteousnes be not once named amonge you as it be commeth saynctes:
31 It ys sayd whosoever put awaye his wyfe let hym geve her a testymonyall also of the devorcement.
32 But I say vnto you: whosoever put awaye his wyfe (except it be for fornicacion) causeth her to breake matrymony. And whosoever maryeth her that is devorsed breaketh wedlocke.
1 Sarai Abrams wyfe bare him no childerne. But she had an hand mayde an Egiptian whose name was Hagar.
2 Wherfore the sayde vnto Abram. Beholde the LORde hath closed me that I can not bere. I praye the goo in vnto my mayde peradueture I shall be multiplyed by meanes of her And Abram herde the voyce of Sarai. Than Sarai
3 Abrams wife toke Hagar hyr mayde the Egitian (after Abram had dwelled .x. yere in the lande of Canaan) and gaue her to hyr husbonde Abram to be his wyfe.
4 Love suffreth longe and is corteous. Love envieth not. Love doth not frowardly swelleth not dealeth
5 not dishonestly seketh not her awne is not provoked to anger thynketh not evyll
6 reioyseth not in iniquite: but reioyseth in ye trueth
7 suffreth all thynge beleveth all thynges hopeth all thynges endureth in all thynges.
2 Neverthelesse to avoyde fornicacio let every man have his wyfe: and let every woman have her husbande.
8 I saye vnto the vnmaried men and widdowes: it is good for them yf they abyde eve as I do.
9 But and yf they canot abstayne let them mary. For it is better to mary then to burne.
10 Vnto the maryed comaunde not I but the Lorde: that the wyfe separate not her selfe from the man.
11 Yf she separate her selfe let her remayne vnmaryed or be reconciled vnto her husbande agayne. And let not the husbande put awaye his wyfe from him.
6 Wherfore now are they not twayne but one flesshe. Let not man therfore put a sunder that which God hath cuppled to gedder.
19 The dedes of the flesshe are manyfest whiche are these advoutrie fornicacio vnclenes wantannes
20 ydolatrye witchecraft hatred variaunce zele wrath stryfe sedicion sectes envyinge murther dronkenes glottony and soche lyke: of the which I tell you before as I have tolde you in tyme past that they which comit soche thinges shall not inherite ye kyngdome of God.
4 He answered and sayd vnto them: Have ye not redde how that he which made man at the beginninge made them man and woman
5 and sayde: for this thinge shall a ma leve father and mother and cleve vnto his wyfe and they twayne shalbe one flesshe.
6 Wherfore now are they not twayne but one flesshe. Let not man therfore put a sunder that which God hath cuppled to gedder.
8 When thou arte bidde to a weddynge of eny man syt not doune in ye hyest roume lest a more honorable man then thou be bidden of him
21 Also they repented not of their murther and of their sorcery nether of their fornacion nether of their thefte.
28 So ought men to love their wyves as their awne bodyes. He that loveth his wyfe loveth him sylfe.
29 For no ma ever yet hated his awne flesshe: but norissheth and cherisseth it even as the lorde doth the congregacion.
30 For we are members of his body of his flesshe and of his bones.
5 When a man taketh a newe wyfe, he shall not goo a warrefare nether shalbe charged wyth any busynesse: but shalbe fre at home one yere and reioyse with his wife whiche he hath taken.
1 And Adam lay wyth Heua ys wyfe which conceaved and bare Cain and sayd: I haue goten a ma of the LORde.
25 Adam also laye with hys wyfe yet agayne and she bare a sonne ad called hys name Seth For god (sayd she) hath geven me a nother sonne For Abell whom Cain slewe.
22 Wemen submit youre selves vnto youre awne husbandes as vnto the Lorde.
23 For the husbande is the wyves heed even as Christ is the heed of the congregacion and the same is the saveoure of the body.
24 Therfore as the cogregacion is in subieccion to Christ lykwyse let the wyves be in subieccion to their husbandes in all thinges.
3 For this is the will of god even that ye shuld be holy and that ye shuld abstayne from fornicacion
4 that every one of you shuld knowe how to kepe his vessell in holynes and honoure
5 and not in the lust of concupiscence as do the hethen which knowe not god
3 Let the man geve vnto the wyfe due benevolence. Lykwyse also the wyfe vnto the man.
4 The wyfe hath not power over her awne body: but the husbande. And lykewyse the man hath not power over his awne body: but the wyfe
5 . Withdrawe not youre selves one from another excepte it be with consent for a tyme for to geve youre selves to fastynge and prayer. And afterwarde come agayne to the same thynge lest Satan tempt you for youre incontinencye.
13 Yf a man take a wyfe and when he hath lyen with her hate her
14 ad leye shamefull thinges vnto hyr charge and brynge vp an euell name vppon her and saye: I toke this wyfe, and whe I came to her, I founde her not a mayde:
15 The let the father of the damsell and the mother brynge forth the tokens of the damsels virginite, vnto the elders of the citie, euen vnto the gate.
16 And let the damsels father saye vnto the elders, I gaue my doughter vnto this man to wife and he hateth her:
17 and loo, he layeth shamefull thinges vnto hir charge saynge, I founde not thy doughter a mayde. And yet these ar the tokens of my doughters virginite. And let them sprede the vesture before the elders off the citie.
14 Above all these thinges put on love which is the bonde of parfectnes.
36 And ther was a Prophetesse one Anna the doughter of Phanuel of the tribe of Aser: which was of a greate age and had lyved with an husbande. vii. yeres from her virginite.
22 And the LORde God made of the rybbe which he toke out of Adam a woma and brought her vnto Adam.
23 Then sayd Ada this is once bone of my boones and flesh of my flesh. This shall be called woman: because she was take of the man.
24 For this cause shall a man leve father and mother and cleve vnto his wyfe and they shall be one flesh.
29 And whosoever forsaketh housses or brethren or systers other father or mother or wyfe or chyldren or landes for my names sake ye same shall receave an hundred folde and shall inheret everlastynge lyfe.
4 And they sayde: Moses suffred to wryte a testimoniall of devorsement and to put hyr awaye.
5 And Iesus answered and sayd vnto the: For ye hardnes of youre hertes he wrote this precept vnto you.
6 But at the fyrste creacion God made the man and woman.
7 And for this thinges sake shall ma leve his father and mother and bide by his wyfe
8 and they twayne shalbe one flesshe. So then are they now not twayne but one flesshe.
9 Therfore what God hath cuppled let not ma separat.
25 Husbandes love youre wyves even as Christ loved the congregacion and gave him silfe for it
26 to sanctifie it and clensed it in the fountayne of water thorow the worde
27 to make it vnto him selfe a glorious congregacion with oute spot or wrynckle or eny soche thinge: but that it shuld be holy and with out blame.
24 For this cause shall a man leve father and mother and cleve vnto his wyfe and they shall be one flesh.
25 And they were ether of them naked both Adam and hys wyfe ad were not ashamed:
28 So ought men to love their wyves as their awne bodyes. He that loveth his wyfe loveth him sylfe.
29 This is the lawe of gelousye when a wyfe goeth a syde behynde hyr husbonde ad is defyled
30 or when the spirite of gelousye cometh apon a man so that he is gelouse ouer his wife: then he shall bringe her before the Lorde and the preast shall ministre all this lawe vnto her
6 Yf eny be fautelesse the husbande of one wyfe havynge faythfull childre which are not selandred of royote nether are disobediet.
27 Ye haue hearde howe it was sayde to the of olde tyme: Thou shalt not comitt advoutrie.
28 But I say vnto you that whosoeuer looketh on a wyfe lustynge after her hathe comitted advoutrie with hir alredy in his hert.
1 As concerninge the thinges wherof ye wrote vnto me: it is good for a ma not to touche a woman.
2 Neverthelesse to avoyde fornicacio let every man have his wyfe: and let every woman have her husbande.
32 I wolde have you without care: the single man careth for the thinges of the lorde how he maye please the lorde.
33 But he that hath maried careth for the thinges of the worlde howe he maye please his wyfe.
34 There is differece bitwene a virgin and a wyfe. The single woman careth for the thinges of the lorde that she maye be pure both in body and also in sprete But she that is maryed careth for the thinges of the worlde how she maye please her husband.
7 Lyke wyse ye men dwell with them accordinge to knowledge gevinge honoure vnto the wyfe as vnto the weaker vessell and as vnto them that are heyres also of the grace of lyfe that youre prayers be not let.
31 For this cause shall a man leave father and mother and shall cotinue with his wyfe and two shalbe made one flesshe.
22 Wemen submit youre selves vnto youre awne husbandes as vnto the Lorde.
23 For the husbande is the wyves heed even as Christ is the heed of the congregacion and the same is the saveoure of the body.
24 Therfore as the cogregacion is in subieccion to Christ lykwyse let the wyves be in subieccion to their husbandes in all thinges.
25 Husbandes love youre wyves even as Christ loved the congregacion and gave him silfe for it
26 to sanctifie it and clensed it in the fountayne of water thorow the worde
27 to make it vnto him selfe a glorious congregacion with oute spot or wrynckle or eny soche thinge: but that it shuld be holy and with out blame.
28 So ought men to love their wyves as their awne bodyes. He that loveth his wyfe loveth him sylfe.
29 For no ma ever yet hated his awne flesshe: but norissheth and cherisseth it even as the lorde doth the congregacion.
30 For we are members of his body of his flesshe and of his bones.
31 For this cause shall a man leave father and mother and shall cotinue with his wyfe and two shalbe made one flesshe.
32 This is a great secrete but I speake bitwene Christ and the cogregacion.
33 Neverthelesse do ye so that every one of you love his wyfe truely even as him silfe. And let ye wyfe se that she feare her husbade.
8 The secrettes of thy fathers wife shalt thou not discouer, for they are thy fathers secrettes.
20 Thou shalt not lye with thy neghbours wife, to defyle thi selfe with her.
22 Wemen submit youre selves vnto youre awne husbandes as vnto the Lorde.
23 For the husbande is the wyves heed even as Christ is the heed of the congregacion and the same is the saveoure of the body.
18 And the LORde God sayd: it is not good that man shulde be alone I will make hym an helper to beare him company:
13 Meates are ordeyned for the belly and the belly for meates: but God shall destroy bothe it and them. Let not the body be applied vnto fornicacion but vnto the Lorde and the Lorde vnto the body.
14 God hath raysed vp the Lorde and shall rayse vs vp by his power.
10 He that breaketh wedlocke with another mans wife shall dye for it: because he hath broke wedlocke with his neghbours wife, and so shall she likewise.
13 Yf a man lye with the mankynde after the maner as with woma kynd, they haue both comitted an abhominacion and shall dye for it. Their bloude be apon their heed.
9 Do ye not remember how that the vnrighteous shall not inheret the kyngdome of God? Be not deceaved. For nether fornicators nether worshyppers of ymages nether whormongers nether weaklinges nether abusars of them selves with the mankynde
10 nether theves nether the coveteous nether dronkardes nether cursed speakers nether pillers shall inheret the kyngdome of God.
7 Lyke wyse ye men dwell with them accordinge to knowledge gevinge honoure vnto the wyfe as vnto the weaker vessell and as vnto them that are heyres also of the grace of lyfe that youre prayers be not let.
10 And he sayde: I will come agayne vnto the as soone as the frute can lyue. And loo: Sara thy wife shall haue a sonne. That herde Sara out of the tent doore which was behind his backe.
11 Abraham and Sara were both olde and well stryken in age and it ceased to be with Sara after the maner as it is wyth wyves.
12 And Sara laughed in hir selfe saynge: Now I am waxed olde shall I geue my selfe to lust and my lorde olde also?
2 for true and ryghteous are his iudgmentes for he hath iudged ye grett whore which did corrupt the erth with her fornicacion and hath avenged the bloud of his servauntes of her hond.
17 Thou shalt not couet thy neghbours housse: nether shalt couet thy neghbours wife, his maservaunte, his mayde, his oxe, his asse or oughte that is his.
10 When Iesus had lyfte vp him selfe agayne and sawe no man but the woman he sayde vnto hyr. Woman where are those thyne accusars? Hath no man condempned the?
11 She sayde: No man Lorde. And Iesus sayde: Nether do I condempne the. Goo and synne no moare.
39 The wyfe is bounde to the lawe as longe as her husband liveth If her husbande slepe she is at liberte to mary with whom she wyll only in the lorde.
1 There goeth a comen sayinge that ther is fornicacion amoge you and soche fornicacion as is not once named amonge the gentyls: that one shuld have his fathers wyfe.
2 And ye swell and have not rather sorowed yt he which hath done this dede myght be put fro amoge you.
24 For this cause shall a man leve father and mother and cleve vnto his wyfe and they shall be one flesh.
3 Let the man geve vnto the wyfe due benevolence. Lykwyse also the wyfe vnto the man.
4 The wyfe hath not power over her awne body: but the husbande. And lykewyse the man hath not power over his awne body: but the wyfe
5 . Withdrawe not youre selves one from another excepte it be with consent for a tyme for to geve youre selves to fastynge and prayer. And afterwarde come agayne to the same thynge lest Satan tempt you for youre incontinencye.
14 Set youreselues therfore at large and beare not a straugers yoke wyth the vnbelevers. For what fellishippe hath rightewesnes with vnrightewesnes? What company hath light wt darcknes?
13 He shall take a mayden vnto his wife:
14 but no wedowe nor deuorsed nor poluted whoore. But he shall take a mayden of his awne people to wife,
1 When a man hath taken a wyfe and maried her, yf she finde no fauoure in his eyes, because he hath spied some vnclennesse in her. Then let him write her a bylle of devorcement and put it in hir hande and sende her out of his housse.
2 Ye and a bisshope must be fautlesse the husband of one wyfe sober discrete honestly aparelled harberous apt to teache
12 Let the deacons be the husbandes of one wyfe and suche as rule their chyldren well and their awne housholdes.
5 and sayde: for this thinge shall a ma leve father and mother and cleve vnto his wyfe and they twayne shalbe one flesshe.
6 Wherfore now are they not twayne but one flesshe. Let not man therfore put a sunder that which God hath cuppled to gedder.
4 Let wedlocke be had in pryce in all poyntes and let the chamber be vndefiled: for whore kepers and advoutrars god will iudge.
20 Notwitstondinge I have a feawe thynges agaynst the that thou sofferest that woman Iesabell which called her sylfe a prophetes to teache and to deceave my servauntes to make them commyt fornicacion and to eate meates offered vppe vnto ydoles.
14 Thou shalt not breake wedlocke.
33 Neverthelesse do ye so that every one of you love his wyfe truely even as him silfe. And let ye wyfe se that she feare her husbade.
24 sayinge: Master Moses bade yf a man dye havinge no chyldre that the brother mary his wyfe and reyse vp seed vnto his brother.
30 For in the resurreccion they nether mary nor are maryed: but are as the angels of God in heven.
12 And yf a woman forsake her husband and be maryed to another she comitteth advoutrie.
33 Neverthelesse do ye so that every one of you love his wyfe truely even as him silfe. And let ye wyfe se that she feare her husbade.
4 Let wedlocke be had in pryce in all poyntes and let the chamber be vndefiled: for whore kepers and advoutrars god will iudge.