8 He that soweth in his flesshe shall of ye flesshe reepe corrupcio. But he yt soweth in ye sprete shall of the sprete reepe lyfe everlastinge.
9 Let vs not be wery of well doynge. For when the tyme is come we shall repe with out werines.
26 Beholde the foules of ye ayer: for they sowe not nether reepe nor yet cary into ye barnes: and yet youre hevely father fedeth the. Are ye not moche better the they?
18 yee and the frute of rightewesnes is sowen in peace of them that mayntene peace.
7 . Be not deceaved God is not mocked. For what soever a man soweth yt shall he reepe.
11 No manner chastisynge for the present tyme semeth to be ioyeous but greveous: neverthelesse afterwarde it bryngeth the quyet frute of rightewesnes vnto them which are therin exercysed.
3 Yf ye shall walke in myne ordynaunces and kepe my commaundmentes and do them
4 then I will sende you rayne in the ryght ceason ad youre londe shall yelde hir encrease and the trees of the felde shall geue their frute.
10 He yt fyndeth the sower seed shall minister breed for fode and shall multiplie youre seed and increace the frutes of youre rightewesnes