16 Are ye not ware that ye are the temple of god and how that the sprete of god dwelleth in you?
12 For as the body is one and hath many mebres and all the membres of one body though they be many yet are but one body: even so is Christ.
20 I praye not for them alone: but for them also which shall beleve on me thorowe their preachynge
21 that they all maye be one as thou father arte in me and I in the that they maye be also one in vs that the worlde maye beleve that thou hast sent me.
22 And that glory that thou gavest me I have geven them that they maye be one as we are wone.
23 I in them and thou in me that they maye be made perfecte in one and that the worlde maye knowe that thou hast sent me and hast loved them as thou hast loved me.
9 ffor god is faythfull by whom ye are called vnto ye fellishyppe of his sonne Iesus Christe oure lorde
1 Because therfore that we are iustified by fayth we are at peace with god thorow oure Lorde Iesue Christ:
2 by who we have awaye in thorow fayth vnto this grace wherin we stonde aud reioyce in hope of the prayse that shalbe geven of God.
20 We knowe that the sonne of God is come and hath geven vs a mynde to knowe him which is true: and we are in him that is true through his sonne Iesu Christ. This same is very god and eternall lyfe.
14 The grace of oure Lorde Iesus Christ and the love of God and the fellishippe of the holy goost be with you all. Ame
13 Herby know we that we dwell in him and he in vs: because he hath geven vs of his sprete.
16 how agreeth the temple of god wt ymages? And ye are the temple of yt lyuynge god as sayde god. I will dwell amonge the and walke amoge the and wilbe their god: and they shalbe my people.
24 And he yt kepeth his comaundemetes dwelleth in him and he in him: and therby we knowe that ther abydeth in vs of the sprete which he gave vs.
7 Submit youre selves to god and resist the devyll and he will flye from you.
8 Drawe nye to god and he will drawe nye to you. Clense youre hondes ye synners and pourdge youre hertes ye waverynge mynded.
20 Beholde I stode at the doore and knocke. Yf eny man heare my voyce and opon the dore I will come in vnto him and will suppe with him and he with me.
3 And I herde a grett voyce out of heaven sayinge: beholde the tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwell with the And they shalbe his people and God him sylffe shalbe with the and be their god.
3 That which we have sene and herde declare we vnto you that ye maye have felloushippe with vs and that oure fellishippe maye be with the father and his sonne Iesus Christ.
17 Therfore yf eny man be in Christ he is a newe creature. Olde thynges are passed awaye beholde all thinges are be come newe.
18 Neverthelesse all thinges are of god which hath reconciled vs vnto him sylfe by Iesus Christ and hath geven vnto vs the office to preach the atonement.
19 For god was in Christ and made agrement bitwene the worlde and hym sylfe and imputed not their synnes vnto them: and hath comitted to vs the preachynge of ye atonmet.
20 For where two or thre are gathered togedder in my name there am I in the myddes of them.
7 Beloved let vs love one another: for love cometh of God. And every one that loveth is borne of God and knoweth God.
45 And moreouer I will dwell amoge the children of Israel and wilbe their God.
28 And nowe babes abyde in him that when he shall appere we maye be bolde and not be made a shamed of him at his commynge.
22 let vs drawe nye with a true herte in a full fayth sprynckeled in oure hertes from an evyll conscience and wesshed in oure bodies with pure water