8 I saye vnto you: Whosoever confesseth me before men eve him shall ye sonne of man confesse also before ye angels of God.
9 And he that denyeth me before men: shalbe denyed before ye angels of God.
10 And whosoever speaketh a worde agaynst ye sonne of ma it shalbe forgeven him. But vnto him yt blasphemeth the holy goost it shall not be forgeven.
4 Suche trust have we thorow Christ to god ward
5 not that we are sufficient of oure selves to thinke enythinge as it were of oure selves: but oure ablenes cometh of God
6 which hath made vs able to minister the newe testamet not of the letter but of the sprete. For the letter kylleth but the sprete geveth lyfe.
10 For therfore we laboure and suffre rebuke because we beleve in the livynge god which is the savioure of all men: but specially of those that beleve.
6 Even as Abraham beleved God and it was asscribed to him for rightewesnes.
7 Vnderstonde therfore yt they which are of fayth the same are the chyldren of Abraham.
8 For the seripture sawe afore honde yt God wolde iustifie the hethen thorow fayth and therfore shewed before honde glad tydinges vnto Abraham: In the shall all nacions be blessed.
9 So then they which be of fayth are blessed with faythfull Abraham.
1 And he sayd vnto his disciples: Let not youre hertes be troubled. Beleve in god and beleve in me.