5 And he that sate apon the seate sayde: Behold I make all thynges newe. And he sayde vnto me: wryte for these wordes are faythfull and true.
6 Submit youre selves therfore vnder the myghty honde of god that he maye exalt you whe the tyme is come.
7 Cast all youre care to him: for he careth for you.
4 Blessed are they that morne: for they shalbe conforted.
26 But that coforter which is the holy gost (whom my father will sende in my name) he shall teache you all thinges and bringe all thinges to youre remembraunce whatsoever I have tolde you.
27 Peace I leve with you my peace I geve vnto you. Not as the worlde geveth geve I vnto you. Let not youre hertes be greved nether feare ye.
5 For as ye affliccios of Christ are pleteous in vs eve so is oure consolacio plenteous by Christ.
22 . And ye now are in sorowe: but I will se you agayne and youre hertes shall reioyce and youre ioye shall no ma take fro you.
8 And the Lorde he shall goo before the ad he shall be with the, and wil not let the goo nor forsake the, feare not therfore nor be discomforted.
17 Therfore yf eny man be in Christ he is a newe creature. Olde thynges are passed awaye beholde all thinges are be come newe.
16 and I will praye the father and he shall geve you a nother comforter yt he maye byde with you ever
17 which is the sprete of truthe whome the worlde canot receave because the worlde seyth him not nether knoweth him. But ye knowe him. For he dwelleth with you and shalbe in you.
18 I will not leave you comfortlesse: but will come vnto you.