4 but as we were alowed of God that the gospell shuld be comitted vnto vs: even so we speake not as though we entended to please men but God which trieth oure hertes.
8 but ye shall receave power of the holy goost which shall come on you. And ye shall be witnesses vnto me in Ierusalem and in all Iewrye and in Samary and even vnto the worldes ende.
14 Ye are ye light of the worlde. A cite yt is set on an hill cannot be hid
15 nether do men lyght a cadell and put it vnder a busshell but on a candelstick and it lighteth all that are in the house.
16 Let youre light so shyne before men yt they maye se youre good workes and glorify youre father which is in heven.
12 and se that ye have honest conversacion amonge the getyls that they which backbyte you as evyll doars maye se youre good workes and prayse god in the daye of visitacion.
19 and for me that vttraunce maye be geve vnto me that I maye open my mouth boldly to vtter the secretes of the gospell
20 whereof I am a messenger in bondes that therin I maye speake frely as it becommeth me to speake.
16 For I am not ashamed of the Gospell of Christ because it is ye power of God vnto salvacio to all yt beleve namely to the Iewe and also to ye getyle.
38 Whosoever therfore shall be asshamed of me and of my wordes amonge this advoutrous and sinfull generacion: of him shall the sonne of man be ashamed when he cometh in the glory of his father wt the holy angels.
29 Peter and the other Apostles answered and sayde: We ought moare to obey God then men.
13 When they sawe the boldnes of Peter and Iohn and vnderstode that they were vnlerned men and laye people they marveyled and they knew them that they were with Iesu:
8 Be not a shamed to testyfye oure lorde nether be a shamed of me which am bounde for his sake: but suffre adversite with ye gospell also thorow ye power of god
15 These thinges speake and exhorte and rebuke with all commaundynge Se that no man despise the.