12 For as the body is one and hath many mebres and all the membres of one body though they be many yet are but one body: even so is Christ.
15 And ye peace of god rule in youre hertes to ye which peace ye are called in one body. And se that ye be thankfull.
24 Now ioye I in my soferinges which I suffre for you and fulfill that which is behynde of the passions of Christ in my flesshe for his bodies sake which is the congregacion
18 And he is the heed of the body that is to wit of the congregacion: he is the begynnynge and fyrst begotten of the deed that in all thynges he might have the preeminence.
27 Ye are the body of Christ and members one of another.
4 As we have many members in one body and all members have not one office:
5 so we beynge many are one body in Christ and every man (amoge oure selves) one anothers mebers Seynge
4 beynge one body and one sprete eve as ye are called in one hope of youre callynge.
15 Ether remember ye not that youre bodyes are the members of Christ? Shall I now take the members of Christ and make them the members of an harlot? God forbyd.
16 in whom all the body ys coupled and knet togedder in every ioynt wherwith one ministreth to another (accordinge to the operacion as every parte hath his measure) and increaseth the body vnto the edyfyinge of it silfe in love.
29 For no ma ever yet hated his awne flesshe: but norissheth and cherisseth it even as the lorde doth the congregacion.
30 For we are members of his body of his flesshe and of his bones.