14 When he sawe the he sayde vnto them: Goo and shewe youre selves to the prestes. And it chaunsed as they went they were clensed.
10 And he taught in one of their sinagoges on ye saboth dayes.
11 And beholde ther was a woma which had a sprete of infirmite .xviii. yeares: and was bowed to gether and coulde not lifte vp hersilfe at all.
12 When Iesus sawe her he called her to him and sayde to her: woman thou arte delyvered from thy disease.
13 And he layde his hondes on her and immediatly she was made strayght and glorified God.
14 And the ruler of the sinagoge answered with indignacion (be cause that Iesus had healed on the saboth daye) and sayde vnto the people. Ther are sixe dayes in which men ought to worke: in them come and be healed and not on the saboth daye.
15 Then answered him the Lorde and sayd: Ypocrite doth not eache one of you on the saboth daye lowse his oxe or his asse from the stall and leade him to the water?
16 And ought not this doughter of Abraham whom Sathan hath bounde loo .xviii. yeares be lowsed from this bonde on the saboth daye?
17 And when he thus sayde all his adversaries were ashamed and all the people reioysed on all the excellent dedes that were done by him.
14 Yf eny be defeated amonge you let him call for the elders of the congregacion and let the praye over him and anoynte him with oyle in the name of the lorde:
15 and the prayer of fayth shall save the sicke and the lorde shall rayse him vp: and yf he have committed synnes they shalbe forgeuen him.
34 And he sayde to her: Doughter thy fayth hath made the whoale: goo in peace and be whole of thy plage.
26 and saide: Yf ye will herken vnto the voyce of the Lord youre God, and will do that which is righte in his syght and will geue an eare vnto his comaudmentes, and kepe all his ordinaunces: tha will I put none of this diseases apon the whiche I brought vpon the Egiptias: for I am the Lorde thy surgione.
24 which his awne silfe bare oure synnes in his body on the tree that we shuld be delyvered from synne and shuld lyve in rightewesnes. By whose strypes ye were healed.
14 Yf eny be defeated amonge you let him call for the elders of the congregacion and let the praye over him and anoynte him with oyle in the name of the lorde:
15 and the prayer of fayth shall save the sicke and the lorde shall rayse him vp: and yf he have committed synnes they shalbe forgeuen him.
52 Iesus sayde vnto him: goo thy waye thy faith hath saved the. And by and by he receaved his sight and folowed Iesus in the waye.
24 which his awne silfe bare oure synnes in his body on the tree that we shuld be delyvered from synne and shuld lyve in rightewesnes. By whose strypes ye were healed.
17 And these signes shall folowe them that beleve: In my name they shall cast oute devyls and shall speake with newe tonges
18 and shall kyll serpentes. And yf they drinke eny dedly thinge yt shall not hurte the. They shall laye their hondes on ye sicke and they shall recover.
16 knowledge youre fautes one to another: and praye one for another that ye maye be healed. The prayer of a ryghteous ma avayleth moche yf it be fervet.
13 and se that ye have strayght steppes vnto youre fete lest eny haltinge turne out of ye waye: yee let it rather be healed.
34 Then sayde Peter vnto hym: Eneas Iesus Christ make ye whole. Aryse and make thy beed. And he arose immedyatly.
25 And se that ye serue the Lorde youre God, ad he shall blesse thi bred and thy water, ad I will take all sycknesses awaye from amonge you.
23 And Iesus went aboute all Galile teachyng in their synagoges and preachynge ye gospell of the kyngdome and healed all maner of sicknes and all maner dyseases amoge ye people.
8 Heale the sicke clense the lepers rayse the deed caste oute the devils. Frely ye have receved frely geve agayne.
26 and saide: Yf ye will herken vnto the voyce of the Lord youre God, and will do that which is righte in his syght and will geue an eare vnto his comaudmentes, and kepe all his ordinaunces: tha will I put none of this diseases apon the whiche I brought vpon the Egiptias: for I am the Lorde thy surgione.
26 and saide: Yf ye will herken vnto the voyce of the Lord youre God, and will do that which is righte in his syght and will geue an eare vnto his comaudmentes, and kepe all his ordinaunces: tha will I put none of this diseases apon the whiche I brought vpon the Egiptias: for I am the Lorde thy surgione.
9 and heale the sicke yt are theare and saye vnto them: the kyngdome of God is come nye vpon you.
23 And Iesus sayde vnto him: ye yf thou couldest beleve all thinges are possible to him yt belevith.
14 Yf eny be defeated amonge you let him call for the elders of the congregacion and let the praye over him and anoynte him with oyle in the name of the lorde:
15 and the prayer of fayth shall save the sicke and the lorde shall rayse him vp: and yf he have committed synnes they shalbe forgeuen him.
16 knowledge youre fautes one to another: and praye one for another that ye maye be healed. The prayer of a ryghteous ma avayleth moche yf it be fervet.
8 Heale the sicke clense the lepers rayse the deed caste oute the devils. Frely ye have receved frely geve agayne.
35 And Iesus went about all cities and tounes teachynge in their synagoges and preachyng the glad tidinges of ye kyngdome and healinge all maner sicknes and desease amoge ye people.
18 The sprete of the lorde vpon me because he hath annoynted me: to preache ye gospell to ye poore he hath sent me: and to heale the broken harted: to preache delyverauce to the captive and sight to the blinde and frely to set at lyberte them that are brused
7 And lest I shuld be exalted out of measure thorow the aboundance of revelacions ther was geven vnto me vnquyetnes of the flesshe the messenger of Satan to buffet me: be cause I shuld not be exalted out of measure
8 For this thynge besought I the lorde thryse that it myght departe from me.
9 And he sayde vnto me: my grace is sufficient for the. For my stregth is made perfact thorow weaknes. Very gladly therfore will I reioyce of my weaknes that the strength of Christ maye dwell in me
12 When Iesus herde that he sayde vnto them: The whole neade not the phisicion but they that are sicke.
1 And he called his .xii. disciples vnto hym and gave them power over vnclene sprites to cast them oute and to heale all maner of sicknesses and all maner of deseases.
50 When Iesus hearde that He answered the father sayinge: Feare not beleve only and she shalbe made whole.