Dependência do Senhor

8 And the Lorde he shall goo before the ad he shall be with the, and wil not let the goo nor forsake the, feare not therfore nor be discomforted.

1 When thou goest out to batayle agenste thine enemyes, and seest horses and charettes and people moo then thou, be not aferde of them, for the Lorde thy God is with the whiche broughte the out of the londe off Egipte.

4 For all that is borne of god over commeth the worlde. And this is the victory that overcometh the worlde even oure fayth.

5 I am the vyne and ye are the braunches. He that abydeth in me and I in him the same bringeth forth moche frute. For with out me can ye do nothinge.

13 And Moses sayde vnto the people: feare ye not but stonde still and beholde how the Lorde shall saue you this daye: For as ye se the Egiptians this daye, shall ye see them nomore for euer till the worldes ende.

14 The Lorde shall fighte for you and ye shall holde youre peace.