12 All thinges are lawfull vnto me: but all thinges are not proffitable. I maye do all thinges: but I will be brought vnder no mans power.
41 watche and praye that ye fall not into temptacion. The spirite is willynge but the flesshe is weake.
8 Be sober and watch for youre adversary ye devyll as a rorynge lion walketh about sekynge whom he maye devoure:
4 by the meanes whereof are geven vnto vs excellent and moste greate promises that by the helpe of them ye shuld be partakers of the godly nature in that ye flye the corrupcion of worldy lust.
13 And leade vs not into teptacion: but delyver vs fro evell. For thyne is ye kyngedome and ye power and ye glorye for ever. Amen.
16 I saye walke in the sprete and fulfill not ye lustes of ye flesshe.
2 Ye lust and have not. Ye envie and have indignacion and cannot obtayne. Ye fight and warre and have not because ye axe not.
10 For coveteousnes is the rote of all evyll which whill some lusted after they erred fro the fayth and tanglyd them selves with many sorowes.
7 What shall we saye then? is ye lawe synne? God forbid: but I knewe not what synne meant but by the lawe. For I had not knowne what lust had meant excepte the lawe had sayde thou shalt not lust.
4 Let wedlocke be had in pryce in all poyntes and let the chamber be vndefiled: for whore kepers and advoutrars god will iudge.
16 For all that is in ye worlde (as the lust of the flesshe the lust of the eyes and ye pryde of gooddes) is not of the father: but of ye worlde
17 And the worlde vannyssheth awaye and the lust therof: but he that fulfilleth the will of god abydeth ever.
21 For where soever youre treasure ys there will youre hertes be also.
13 Brethre ye were called in to (libertie) only let not youre libertie be an occasion vnto the flesshe but in love serve one another.
2 Neverthelesse to avoyde fornicacio let every man have his wyfe: and let every woman have her husbande.
13 Let no man saye when he is tepted that he is tempted of God. For God tepteth not vnto evyll nether tepteth he anie ma.
5 Mortifie therfore youre membres which are on the erth fornicacio vnclennes vnnaturall lust evyll cocupiscece and coveteousnes which is worshippynge of ydols:
1 Brethren yf eny ma be fallen by chauce into eny faute: ye which are spirituall helpe to amende him in the sprete of meknes: consyderynge thy silfe lest thou also be tempted.
13 There hath none other temptacion taken you but soche as foloweth ye nature of ma. But God is faythfull which shall not suffer you to be tempted above youre strenght: but shall in the myddes of the temptacion make awaye to escape out.