13 The God of hope fyll you with all ioye and peace in belevynge: that ye maye be ryche in hope thorowe the power of the holy goost.
23 and let vs kepe the profession of oure hope with oute waveringe (for he is faythfull that promysed)
23 and let vs kepe the profession of oure hope with oute waveringe (for he is faythfull that promysed)
1 Fayth is a sure confidence of thynges which are hoped for and a certayntie of thynges which are not sene.
25 But and yf we hope for that we se not then do we with pacience abyde for it.
10 For therfore we laboure and suffre rebuke because we beleve in the livynge god which is the savioure of all men: but specially of those that beleve.
27 to whom god wolde make knowen the glorious riches of this mistery amonge the gentyls which riches is Christ in you the hope of glory
13 The God of hope fyll you with all ioye and peace in belevynge: that ye maye be ryche in hope thorowe the power of the holy goost.
24 For we are savyd by hope. But hope that is sene is no hope. For how can a ma hope for that which he seyth?
25 But and yf we hope for that we se not then do we with pacience abyde for it.
15 but sanctifie the Lorde God in youre hertes. Be redy all wayes to geve an answere to every man that axeth you a reson of the hope that is in you and that with meaknes and feare:
3 And every man that hath thys hope in him pourgeth him silfe even as he ys pure.
4 beynge one body and one sprete eve as ye are called in one hope of youre callynge.
15 but sanctifie the Lorde God in youre hertes. Be redy all wayes to geve an answere to every man that axeth you a reson of the hope that is in you and that with meaknes and feare:
3 Nether do we so only: but also we reioyce in tribulacion. For we know that tribulacion bringeth pacience
4 pacience bringeth experience experience bringeth hope.
3 with out ceasynge and call to remembraunce youre worke in the faythe and labour in love and perseveraunce in the hope of oure lorde Iesus Christ in the sight of God oure father:
1 Because therfore that we are iustified by fayth we are at peace with god thorow oure Lorde Iesue Christ:
2 by who we have awaye in thorow fayth vnto this grace wherin we stonde aud reioyce in hope of the prayse that shalbe geven of God.
4 sence we hearde of youre faith which ye have in Christ Iesu and of the love which ye beare to all sayntes
5 for the hopes sake which is layde vp in store for you in heven of which hope ye have herde before by ye true worde of the gospell
17 Charge them that are ryche in this worlde that they be not excedynge wyse and that they trust not in the vncertayne ryches but in the livynge god which geveth vs aboundantly all thynges to enioye them
12 Seynge then that we have soche trust we vse gret boldnes
3 Blessed be God ye father of oure Lorde Iesus Christ which thorow is aboundant mercie begat vs agayne vnto a lively hope by the resurreccion of Iesus Christ fro deeth
5 And hope maketh not ashamed for the love of God is sheed abrod in oure hertes by the holy goost which is geven vnto vs.
3 Blessed be God ye father of oure Lorde Iesus Christ which thorow is aboundant mercie begat vs agayne vnto a lively hope by the resurreccion of Iesus Christ fro deeth
13 Now abideth fayth hope and love even these thre: but the chefe of these is love.
28 Come vnto me all ye that laboure and are laden and I wyll ease you.
5 And hope maketh not ashamed for the love of God is sheed abrod in oure hertes by the holy goost which is geven vnto vs.
13 I wolde not brethren have you ignoraut concerninge them which are fallen aslepe that ye sorowe not as other do which have no hope.
14 For yf we beleve that Iesus dyed and rose agayne: even so them also which slepe by IeIesus will God brynge agayne with him.
18 and lighten the eyes of youre myndes yt ye myght knowe what that hope is where vnto he hath called you and what the riches of his glorious inheritaunce is apon the sainctes
7 that we once iustified by his grace shuld be heyres of eternall lyfe thorowe hope
16 which only hath immortalite and dwelleth in light that no man can attayne whom never man sawe nether can se: vnto whom be honoure and rule everlastynge. Amen.
12 Reioyce in hope. Be paciet in tribulacion. Continue in prayer.
1 Fayth is a sure confidence of thynges which are hoped for and a certayntie of thynges which are not sene.