22 And for as moche as ye have purified youre soules thorowe the sprete in obeyinge the trueth for to love brotherly withouten saynynge se that ye love one another with a pure hert fervently:
23 for ye are borne a newe not of mortall seed but of immortall by the worde of god which liveth and lasteth for ever.
24 For all flesshe is as grasse and all the glory of man is as the floure of grasse. The grasse widdereth and the flower falleth awaye
25 but the worde of the lorde endureth ever. And this is the worde which by the gospell was preached amonge you.
9 The lorde is not slacke to fulfill his promes as some men cout slacknes: but is pacient to vs warde and wolde have no man lost but wolde receave all men to repentauce.
11 Beholde we counte them happy which endure. Ye have hearde of the pacience of Iob and have knowen what ende the lorde made. For the lorde is very pitifull and mercifull.
1 Then ye kyngdome of heven shalbe lykened vnto .x. virgins which toke their lampes and wet to mete the brydgrome:
2 fyve of them were folysshe and fyve were wyse.
3 The folysshe toke their lampes but toke none oyle wt the.
4 But ye wyse tooke oyle wt the in their vesselles wt their lampes also.
5 Whill the brydgrome taryed all slombred and slepte.
6 And even at mydnyght there was a crye made: beholde the brydgrome cometh goo out against him.
7 Then all those virgins arose and prepared their lampes.
8 And ye folysshe sayde to ye wyse: geve vs of youre oyle for our lampes goo out?
9 but ye wyse answered sayinge. Not so lest ther be not ynough for vs and you: but goo rather to them yt sell and by for youre selves.
10 And whill they went to bye ye brydgrome came: and they yt were redy went in with him to ye weddinge and the gate was shett vp:
11 Afterwardes came also ye other virgins sayinge: master master open to vs.
12 But he answered and sayde: verely I saye vnto you: I knowe not you.
13 Watche therefore: for ye knowe nether the daye nor yet the houre when the sonne of man shall come.
3 Nether do we so only: but also we reioyce in tribulacion. For we know that tribulacion bringeth pacience
4 pacience bringeth experience experience bringeth hope.
7 Be pacient therfore brethren vnto the commynge of the lorde. Beholde the husbande man wayteth for the precious frute of the erth and hath longe pacience ther vppon vntill he receave (the erly and the latter rayne.)
8 Be ye also pacient therfore and settle youre hertes for ye commynge of the lorde draweth nye.
11 strengthed with all myght thorowe hys glorious power vnto all pacience and longe sufferynge with ioyfulnes