8 In coclusion be ye all of one mynde one suffre with another love as brethren be petifull be courteous
3 that nothinge be done thorow stryfe or vayne glory but that in mekenes of mynde every man esteme other better then him selfe
18 Wyves submit youre selves vnto youre awne husbandes as it is comly in the Lorde.
19 Husbandes love youre wyves and be not bitter vnto them.
35 And he sate doune and called the twelve vnto him and sayd to them: yf eny man desyre to be fyrst the same shalbe last of all and servaunt vnto all.
20 Vnto God and oure father be prayse for ever more. Amen.
13 So can no fountayne geve bothe salt water and fresshe also. If eny man be wyse and endued with learnynge amonge you let him shewe the workes of his good conversacio in meknes that ys coupled with wisdome.
12 Now therfore as electe of god holy and beloved put on tender mercie kyndnes humblenes of myndes meknes longe sufferynge
13 Brethre ye were called in to (libertie) only let not youre libertie be an occasion vnto the flesshe but in love serve one another.
48 and sayd vnto the: Whosoever receaveth this chylde in my name receaveth me. And whosoever receaveth me receaveth him yt sent me. For he yt is least amonge you all the same shalbe greate.
2 Whe soever therfore thou gevest thine almes thou shalt not make a tropet to be blowe before the as ye ypocrites do in the synagogis and in the stretis for to be preysed of men. Verely I say vnto you they have their rewarde.
6 Submit youre selves therfore vnder the myghty honde of god that he maye exalt you whe the tyme is come.
3 Whose apparell shall not be outwarde with broyded heare and hanginge on of golde other in puttinge on of gorgious aparell:
4 but let the hyd man of the herte be incorrupt with a meke and a quyet sprete which sprete is before God a thinge moche set by.
10 Cast doune youre selves before the lorde and he shall lift you vp.
2 in all humblenes of mynde and meknes and longe sufferynge forbearinge one another thorowe love
16 Be of lyke affeccion one towardes another. Be not hye mided: but make youreselves equall to the of ye lower sorte. Be not wyse in youre awne opinios.
29 Take my yoke on you and lerne of me for I am meke and lowly in herte: and ye shall fynd rest vnto youre soules.
30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.
28 And vile thinges of the worlde and thinges which are despysed hath God chosen yee and thinges of no reputacion for to brynge to nought thinges of reputacion
29 that no flesshe shulde reioyce in his presence.