5 Let the same mynde be in you that was in Christ Iesu:
6 Which beynge in the shape of god and thought it not robbery to be equall with god.
7 Neverthelesse he made him silfe of no reputacion and toke on him the shape of a servaunte and became lyke vnto men
8 and was founde in his aparell as a man. He humbled him silfe and became obediet vnto ye deeth even the deeth of the crosse.
6 And ye became folowers of vs and of the lord and receaved the worde in moche affliccion with ioye of the holy gost:
1 Be ye folowers of god as dere children
26 And God sayd: let vs make man in oure symilitude ad after oure lycknesse: that he may have rule over the fysh of the see and over the foules of the ayre and over catell and over all the erth and over all wormes that crepe on the erth.
1 I commende you
24 God is a sprete and they that worshippe him must worshippe him in sprete and trouthe.