
8 Yf ther be eny that provideth not for his awne and namly for them of his housholde the same denyeth the fayth and is worsse then an infydell.

7 Beloved let vs love one another: for love cometh of God. And every one that loveth is borne of God and knoweth God.

19 speakynge vnto youre selves in psalmes and ymnes and spretuall songes synginge and makinge melodie to ye Lorde in youre hertes

15 Moreover yf thy brother treaspace agenst the. Go and tell him his faute betwene him and the alone. Yf he heare the thou hast wone thy brother:

16 But yf he heare the not then take yet with the one or two that in the mouth of two or thre witnesses all thinges maye be stablisshed.

40 And ye kynge shall answere and saye vnto them: verely I saye vnto you: in as moche as ye have done it vnto one of ye leest of these my brethren ye have done it to me.

15 Moreover yf thy brother treaspace agenst the. Go and tell him his faute betwene him and the alone. Yf he heare the thou hast wone thy brother:

16 But yf he heare the not then take yet with the one or two that in the mouth of two or thre witnesses all thinges maye be stablisshed.

17 If he heare not them tell it vnto the congregacion. If he heare not ye congregacion take him as an hethen man and as a publican.

18 Verely I say vnto you what soever ye bynde on erth shalbe bounde in heven. And what soever ye lowse on erth shalbe lowsed in heven.

19 Agayn I say vnto you that yf two of you shall agre in erth apon eny maner thynge what soever they shall desyre: it shalbe geven them of my father which is in heven.

20 For where two or thre are gathered togedder in my name there am I in the myddes of them.

25 and let vs not forsake the felishippe that we have amoge oure selves as the maner of some is: but let vs exhorte one another and that so moche the more because ye se that the daye draweth nye.

35 So lyke wyse shall my hevenly father do vnto you except ye forgeve with youre hertes eache one to his brother their treaspases.

22 And for as moche as ye have purified youre soules thorowe the sprete in obeyinge the trueth for to love brotherly withouten saynynge se that ye love one another with a pure hert fervently:

16 Let the worde of Christ dwell in you plenteously in all wisdome. Teache and exhorte youre awne selves in psalmes and hymnes and spretuall songes which have favour wt them syngynge in youre hertes to the lorde.

17 Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thyne hart but shalt in any wyse rebuke thy neghbour: that thou bere not synne for his sake.

35 For whosoever doeth ye will of God he is my brother my syster and mother.

1 Whosoever beleveh that Iesus is Christ is borne of god. And every one yt loveth him which begat loveth him also which was begotte of him.

34 A newe commaundment geve I vnto you that ye love to gedder as I have loved you that even so ye love one another

35 . By this shall all me knowe yt ye are my disciples yf ye shall have love one to another.

1 Rebuke not an elder: but exhorte him as a father and the yonger me as brethren

2 the elder wemen as mothers ye yonger as sisters with all purenes.

10 He that loveth his brother abydeth in the light and ther is none occasion of evyll in him.

20 Yf a man saye I love god and yet hate his brother he is a lyar. For how can he yt loveth not his brother whom he hath sene love god whom he hath not sene?