24 Iudge not after the vtter aperaunce: but iudge rightewes iudgement.
18 He that beleveth on him shall not be condepned. But he that beleveth not is condempned all redy be cause he beleveth not in the name of the only sonne of God.
19 And this is the condempnacion: that light is come into the worlde and the me loved darcknes more then light because their dedes were evill.
18 He that beleveth on him shall not be condepned. But he that beleveth not is condempned all redy be cause he beleveth not in the name of the only sonne of God.
9 The lorde knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptacion and how to reserve the vniuste vnto the daye of iudgement for to be punisshed:
16 at the daye when god shall iudge the secretes of men by Iesus Christ accordinge to my Gospell.
4 Let wedlocke be had in pryce in all poyntes and let the chamber be vndefiled: for whore kepers and advoutrars god will iudge.
13 Let vs not therfore iudge one another eny more. But iudge this rather that no man put a stomblynge blocke or an occasion to faule in his brothers waye.
4 What arte thou that iudgest another manes servaut? Whether he stonde or faule that pertayneth vnto his master: ye he shall stonde. For God is able to make him stonde.
17 For God sent not his sonne into the worlde to condepne the worlde: but that the worlde through him might be saved.
16 Let no ma therfore trouble youre conscieces aboute meate and drynke or for a pece of an holydaye as the holydaye of the newe mone or of the sabboth dayes
17 which are nothinge but shaddowes of thynges to come: but the body is in Christ.
23 For the rewarde of synne is deeth: but eternall lyfe is the gyfte of God thorow Iesus Christ oure Lorde.
1 My lytell children these thynges write I vnto you that ye synne not: yf eny man synne yet we have an advocate with ye father Iesus Christ which is righteous:
1 Therfore arte thou inexcusable o man whosoever thou be yt iudgest. For in ye same wherin thou iudgest another thou condemnest thy selfe. For thou that iudgest doest eve the same selfe thinges
2 But we are sure that the iudgement of God is accordinge to trueth agaynst them which commit soche thinges.
3 Thikest thou this O thou ma that iudgest them which do soche thinges and yet doest eve the very same yt thou shalt escape ye iudgemet of God?
3 Why seist thou a moote in thy brothers eye and perceavest not the beame yt ys yn thyne awne eye.
1 Iudge not that ye be not iudged.
12 And I sawe the deed both grett and small stonde before God: And the bokes were opened and another boke was opened which is the boke of lyfe and the deed were iudged of thoo thynges which weer wrytten in the bokes accordinge to their dedes:
12 And as many as haue synned vnder the lawe shalbe iudged by the lawe.
12 And I sawe the deed both grett and small stonde before God: And the bokes were opened and another boke was opened which is the boke of lyfe and the deed were iudged of thoo thynges which weer wrytten in the bokes accordinge to their dedes:
13 and the see gave vp her deed which were in her and deth and hell delyvered vp the deed which were in them: and they were iudged every man accordinge to his dedes.
37 Iudge not and ye shall not be Iudged. Condemne not: and ye shall not be condemned. Forgeve and ye shalbe forgeven.
38 Geve and yt shalbe geven vnto you: good measure pressed doune shaken to geder and runnynge over shall men geve into youre bosomes. For with what measure ye mete with ye same shall men mete to you agayne.
10 But why doest thou then iudge thy brother? Other why doest thou despyse thy brother? We shall all be brought before the iudgement seate of Christ.
11 For it is written: as truely as I lyve sayth ye lorde all knees shall bowe to me and all tonges shall geve a knowledge to God.
12 So shall every one of vs geve accomptes of him selfe to God.
5 Therfore iudge no thinge before the tyme vntill the Lorde come which will lighten thinges that are hyd in darcknes and ope the counsels of the hertes. And then shall every man have prayse of God.
7 I have fought a good fight and have fulfilled my course and have kept the fayth.
8 From hence forth is layde vp for me a croune of rightewesnes which the lorde that is a righteous iudge shall geve me at that daye: not to me only but vnto all them that love his commynge.
16 he that beleueth and is baptised shall be saved. But he that beleveth not shalbe dampned.
10 For we must all appere before the iudgement seate of Christ that every man maye receave the workes of his body accordynge to that he hath done whether it be good or bad?
1 Ther is then no damnacion to them which are in Christ Iesu which walke not after ye flesshe: but after ye sprete.
2 For the lawe of the sprete yt bringeth life thorowe Iesus Christ hath delivered me fro the lawe of synne and deeth.
13 Let vs not therfore iudge one another eny more. But iudge this rather that no man put a stomblynge blocke or an occasion to faule in his brothers waye.
16 Let no ma therfore trouble youre conscieces aboute meate and drynke or for a pece of an holydaye as the holydaye of the newe mone or of the sabboth dayes
3 Let not him that eateth despise him that eateth not. And let not him whiche eateth not iudge him that eateth. For God hath receaved him.
1 Therfore arte thou inexcusable o man whosoever thou be yt iudgest. For in ye same wherin thou iudgest another thou condemnest thy selfe. For thou that iudgest doest eve the same selfe thinges
27 but I tame my body and bringe it into subieccio lest after that I have preached to other I my silfe shuld be a castawaye.
12 But above all thynges my brethre sweare not nether by heven nether by erth nether by eny other othe. Let youre ye be ye and youre maye naye: lest ye faule into ypocrecy.
2 Do ye not know that the sainctes shall iudge the worlde? If the worlde shalbe iudged by you: are ye not good ynough to iudge smale trifles:
3 knowe ye not how that we shall iudge the angles? How moche more maye we iudge thinges that partayne to ye lyfe?
15 Ye iudge after ye flesshe. I iudge no man
16 though I iudge yet is my iudgmet true. For I am not alone: but I and the father that sent me.
1 Iudge not that ye be not iudged.
2 For as ye iudge so shall ye be iudged. And wt what mesure ye mete wt the same shall it be mesured to you agayne.
3 Why seist thou a moote in thy brothers eye and perceavest not the beame yt ys yn thyne awne eye.
4 Or why sayest thou to thy brother: suffre me to plucke oute the moote oute of thyne eye and behold a beame is in thyne awne eye.
5 Ypocryte fyrst cast oute the beame oute of thyne awne eye and then shalte thou se clearly to plucke oute the moote out of thy brothers eye.
10 Whosoever shall kepe the whole lawe and yet fayle in one poynt he is gyltie in all.
11 For he that sayd. Thou shallt not commit adulterie sayed also: thou shallt not kyll. Though thou do none adulterie yet yf thou kill thou arte a transgresser of the lawe.
12 So speake ye and so do as they that shalbe iudged by the lawe of libertie.
1 How dare one of you havinge busines with another goo to lawe vnder the wicked and not rather vnder the sainctes?
2 Do ye not know that the sainctes shall iudge the worlde? If the worlde shalbe iudged by you: are ye not good ynough to iudge smale trifles:
3 knowe ye not how that we shall iudge the angles? How moche more maye we iudge thinges that partayne to ye lyfe?
4 If ye have iudgementes of worldely matters take them which are despised in ye congregacio and make them iudges.
5 This I saye to youre shame. Is ther vtterly no wyse man amoge you? What not one at all yt can iudge bitwene brother and brother
7 Kepe the ferre from a false mater, and the Innocent and righteous se thou sley not, for I will not iustifye the weked.
37 Iudge not and ye shall not be Iudged. Condemne not: and ye shall not be condemned. Forgeve and ye shalbe forgeven.
11 Backbyte not one another brethren. He that backbyteh hys brother and he that iudgeth his brother backbyteth the lawe and iudgeth the lawe. But and yf thou iudge the lawe thou art not an observer of ye lawe: but a iudge.
12 Ther is one lawe gever which is able to save and to distroye. What art thou that iudgest another man?
16 And I charged youre Iudges the same tyme sayenge: heare youre brethern and iudge righteously betwene euery man and his brother and the straunges that is with him.
17 Se that ye knowe no man in Iudgement: but heare the small as well as the greate and be afrayed of no man, for the lawe is Gods. And the cause that is to harde for you, brynge vnto me and I will heare it.
1 Iudge not that ye be not iudged.
2 For as ye iudge so shall ye be iudged. And wt what mesure ye mete wt the same shall it be mesured to you agayne.
37 Iudge not and ye shall not be Iudged. Condemne not: and ye shall not be condemned. Forgeve and ye shalbe forgeven.
36 But I say vnto you that of every ydell worde that men shall have spoken: they shall geve acountes at the daye of iudgement.
1 Ye beloved beleve not every sprete: but prove the spretes whether they are of God or no: for many falce Prophetes are gone out into the worlde.
26 For as the father hath life in him silfe: so lyke wyse hath he geven to ye sonne to have lyfe in him silfe:
27 and hath geven him power also to iudge in that he is the sonne of man.