1 Lykewyse let the wyves be in subieccio to their husbades that eve they which beleve not the worde maye with out the worde be wonne by the conversacion of ye wyves:
2 whill they beholde youre pure coversacion coupled with feare.
22 Wemen submit youre selves vnto youre awne husbandes as vnto the Lorde.
23 For the husbande is the wyves heed even as Christ is the heed of the congregacion and the same is the saveoure of the body.
24 Therfore as the cogregacion is in subieccion to Christ lykwyse let the wyves be in subieccion to their husbandes in all thinges.
27 And God created man after hys lycknesse after the lycknesse of god created he him: male and female created he them.
10 Vnto the maryed comaunde not I but the Lorde: that the wyfe separate not her selfe from the man.
11 Yf she separate her selfe let her remayne vnmaryed or be reconciled vnto her husbande agayne. And let not the husbande put awaye his wyfe from him.
1 As concerninge the thinges wherof ye wrote vnto me: it is good for a ma not to touche a woman.
2 Neverthelesse to avoyde fornicacio let every man have his wyfe: and let every woman have her husbande.
3 Let the man geve vnto the wyfe due benevolence. Lykwyse also the wyfe vnto the man.
4 The wyfe hath not power over her awne body: but the husbande. And lykewyse the man hath not power over his awne body: but the wyfe
5 . Withdrawe not youre selves one from another excepte it be with consent for a tyme for to geve youre selves to fastynge and prayer. And afterwarde come agayne to the same thynge lest Satan tempt you for youre incontinencye.
7 Lyke wyse ye men dwell with them accordinge to knowledge gevinge honoure vnto the wyfe as vnto the weaker vessell and as vnto them that are heyres also of the grace of lyfe that youre prayers be not let.
15 But and yf the vnbelevynge departe let him departe. A brother or a sister is not in subiection to soche. God hath called vs in peace.
16 For how knowest thou o woman whether thou shalt save that man or no? Other how knowest thou o man whether thou shalt save that woman or no?
33 Neverthelesse do ye so that every one of you love his wyfe truely even as him silfe. And let ye wyfe se that she feare her husbade.
24 For this cause shall a man leve father and mother and cleve vnto his wyfe and they shall be one flesh.
4 He answered and sayd vnto them: Have ye not redde how that he which made man at the beginninge made them man and woman
5 and sayde: for this thinge shall a ma leve father and mother and cleve vnto his wyfe and they twayne shalbe one flesshe.
6 Wherfore now are they not twayne but one flesshe. Let not man therfore put a sunder that which God hath cuppled to gedder.
18 Wyves submit youre selves vnto youre awne husbandes as it is comly in the Lorde.
19 Husbandes love youre wyves and be not bitter vnto them.
2 For the woman which is in subieccion to a man is bounde by the lawe to the man as longe as he liveth. Yf the man be deed she is lowsed from the lawe of the man.
25 Husbandes love youre wyves even as Christ loved the congregacion and gave him silfe for it
26 to sanctifie it and clensed it in the fountayne of water thorow the worde
27 to make it vnto him selfe a glorious congregacion with oute spot or wrynckle or eny soche thinge: but that it shuld be holy and with out blame.
28 So ought men to love their wyves as their awne bodyes. He that loveth his wyfe loveth him sylfe.
29 For no ma ever yet hated his awne flesshe: but norissheth and cherisseth it even as the lorde doth the congregacion.
18 And the LORde God sayd: it is not good that man shulde be alone I will make hym an helper to beare him company:
5 When a man taketh a newe wyfe, he shall not goo a warrefare nether shalbe charged wyth any busynesse: but shalbe fre at home one yere and reioyse with his wife whiche he hath taken.