28 And feare ye not them which kyll the body and be not able to kyll the soule. But rather feare hym which is able to destroye bothe soule and body into hell.
16 For God so loveth the worlde yt he hath geven his only sonne that none that beleve in him shuld perisshe: but shuld have everlastinge lyfe.
21 For Christ is to me lyfe and deeth is to me a vauntage.
3 And I herde a grett voyce out of heaven sayinge: beholde the tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwell with the And they shalbe his people and God him sylffe shalbe with the and be their god.
4 And God shall wype awaye all teares fro their eyes. And there shalbe nomore deeth nether sorowe nether cryinge nether shall there be eny more payne for the olde thynges are gone.
55 Deeth where is thy stynge? Hell where is thy victory?
56 The stynge of deeth is synne: and the strength of synne is the lawe.
57 But thankes be vnto God which hath geven vs victory thorow oure Lorde Iesus Christ.
8 For none of vs lyveth his awne servaut: nether doeth anye of vs dye his awne servaunt. Yf we lyve we lyve to be at ye lordes will. And yf we dye we dye at ye lordes will. Whether we lyve therfore or dye we are the lordes.
46 And Iesus cryed with a greate voyce and sayd: Father into thy hondes I comende my sprete. And when he thus had sayd he gave vp the goost.
16 For the Lorde him selfe shall descende fro heve with a showte and the voyce of the archangell and trompe of God. And the deed in Christe shall aryse fyrst:
17 then shall we which live and remayne be caught vp with them also in the cloudes to mete the Lorde in ye ayer. And so shall we ever be with the Lorde.
25 Iesus sayde vnto her: I am the resurreccion and the lyfe: He that beleveth on me ye though he were deed yet shall he lyve.
26 And whosoever lyveth and belevest on me shall never dye. Beleveth thou this?
23 And beinge in hell in tormetes he lyfte vp his eyes and sawe Abraham a farre of and Lazarus in his bosome
24 and he cryed and sayd: father Abraham have mercy on me and sende Lazarus that he maye dippe the tippe of his fynger in water and cole my tonge: for I am tourmented in this flame.
13 I wolde not brethren have you ignoraut concerninge them which are fallen aslepe that ye sorowe not as other do which have no hope.
14 For yf we beleve that Iesus dyed and rose agayne: even so them also which slepe by IeIesus will God brynge agayne with him.
27 And as it is apoynted vnto men that they shall once dye and then commeth the iudegement even
11 It is a true sayinge if we be deed wt him we also shall live with him.
23 For the rewarde of synne is deeth: but eternall lyfe is the gyfte of God thorow Iesus Christ oure Lorde.
25 For who soever wyll save his lyfe shall loose it. And whosoever shall loose his lyfe for my sake shall fynde it.
15 Then when lust hath coceaved she bringeth forth synne and synne whe it is fynisshed bringeth forthe deeth.
26 The last enemye that shalbe destroyed is deeth.
21 For by a man came deeth and by a man came resurreccion fro deeth.
25 Iesus sayde vnto her: I am the resurreccion and the lyfe: He that beleveth on me ye though he were deed yet shall he lyve.
26 And whosoever lyveth and belevest on me shall never dye. Beleveth thou this?
17 For yf by the synne of one deeth raigned by the meanes of one moche more shall they which receave aboundance of grace and of the gyfte of rightewesnes raygne in lyfe by the meanes of one (that is to saye) Iesus Christ.
4 And God shall wype awaye all teares fro their eyes. And there shalbe nomore deeth nether sorowe nether cryinge nether shall there be eny more payne for the olde thynges are gone.
7 Yet scace will eny man dye for a rightewes man. Paraventure for a good ma durst a man dye.
8 But God setteth out his love that he hath to vs seinge that whyll we were yet synners Christ dyed for vs.
23 I am constrayned of two thinges: I desyre to be lowsed and to be with Christ which thinge is best of all.
24 Neverthelesse to abyde in the flesshe is moare nedfull for you.
17 But of the tre of knowlege of good and badd se that thou eate not: for even ye same daye thou eatest of it thou shalt surely dye.
20 But oure conversacion is in heven from whence we loke for a saveour enen the lorde Iesus Christ
21 which shall chaunge oure vile bodies that they maye be fassioned lyke vnto his glorious body acordinge to the workynge wherby he is able to subdue all thinges vnto hym silfe.
38 Ye and I am sure that nether deeth nether lyfe nether angels nor rule nether power nether thinges present nether thinges to come
39 nether heyth nether loweth nether eny other creature shalbe able to departe vs fro ye love of God shewed in Christ Iesu oure lorde.
6 Blessed and holy is he that hath parte in the fyrst resurreccion. For on suche shall the seconde deeth have no power for they shalbe the prestes of God and of Christ and shall raygne with him a .M. yere.
22 For as by Adam all dye: eve so by Christ shall all be made alive
27 my shepe heare my voyce and I knowe them and they folowe me
28 and I geve vnto the eternall lyfe and they shall never perisshe nether shall eny man plucke the oute of my honde.