3 And ye elder weme lykewyse that they be in soche rayment as becommeth holynes not falce accusars not geven to moche drinkynge but teachers of honest thynges
4 to make the younge wemen sobremynded to love their husbandes to love their children
5 to be discrete chast huswyfly good and obediet vnto their awne husbandes that the worde of god be not evyll spoken of.
1 And it fortuned after that that he him sylfe went throughout cities and tounes preachynge and shewinge ye kyngdom of God and the twelve with him.
2 And also certayne wemen which wer healed of evell spretes and infirmities: Mary called Magdalen out of whom went seven devyls
3 and Ioanna ye wyfe of Chusa Herodees stewarde and Susanna and many other: which ministred vnto the of their substaunce.
21 Then the LORde God cast a slomber on Adam and he slepte. And then he toke out one of his rybbes and in stede ther of he fylled vp the place with flesh.
22 And the LORde God made of the rybbe which he toke out of Adam a woma and brought her vnto Adam.
23 Then sayd Ada this is once bone of my boones and flesh of my flesh. This shall be called woman: because she was take of the man.
27 And God created man after hys lycknesse after the lycknesse of god created he him: male and female created he them.
11 Even so must their wynes be honest not evyll speakers: but sober and faythfull in all thinges.
1 Lykewyse let the wyves be in subieccio to their husbades that eve they which beleve not the worde maye with out the worde be wonne by the conversacion of ye wyves:
7 Lyke wyse ye men dwell with them accordinge to knowledge gevinge honoure vnto the wyfe as vnto the weaker vessell and as vnto them that are heyres also of the grace of lyfe that youre prayers be not let.