A Mulher Sábia
1 Then ye kyngdome of heven shalbe lykened vnto .x. virgins which toke their lampes and wet to mete the brydgrome:
2 fyve of them were folysshe and fyve were wyse.
3 The folysshe toke their lampes but toke none oyle wt the.
4 But ye wyse tooke oyle wt the in their vesselles wt their lampes also.
5 Whill the brydgrome taryed all slombred and slepte.
6 And even at mydnyght there was a crye made: beholde the brydgrome cometh goo out against him.
7 Then all those virgins arose and prepared their lampes.
8 And ye folysshe sayde to ye wyse: geve vs of youre oyle for our lampes goo out?
9 but ye wyse answered sayinge. Not so lest ther be not ynough for vs and you: but goo rather to them yt sell and by for youre selves.
10 And whill they went to bye ye brydgrome came: and they yt were redy went in with him to ye weddinge and the gate was shett vp:
11 Afterwardes came also ye other virgins sayinge: master master open to vs.
12 But he answered and sayde: verely I saye vnto you: I knowe not you.
13 Watche therefore: for ye knowe nether the daye nor yet the houre when the sonne of man shall come.
11 Even so must their wynes be honest not evyll speakers: but sober and faythfull in all thinges.
5 Yf eny of you lacke wysdome let him axe of God which geveth to all men indifferentlie and casteth no man in the teth: and it shal be geven him.
3 And ye elder weme lykewyse that they be in soche rayment as becommeth holynes not falce accusars not geven to moche drinkynge but teachers of honest thynges
4 to make the younge wemen sobremynded to love their husbandes to love their children
5 to be discrete chast huswyfly good and obediet vnto their awne husbandes that the worde of god be not evyll spoken of.