15 Se that ye love not the worlde nether the thynges that are in the worlde. Yf eny man love the worlde the love of the father is not in him.
5 Who is it that overcommeth the worlde: but he which beleveth that Iesus is ye sonne of god?
33 These wordes have I spoke vnto you yt in me ye might have peace. For in ye worlde shall ye have tribulacio: but be of good cheare I have over come the worlde.
10 For godly sorowe causeth repentaunce vnto salvacion not to be repented of: when worldly sorow causeth deeth.
20 So that his invisible thinges: that is to saye his eternall power and godhed are vnderstonde and sene by the workes from the creacion of the worlde. So that they are without excuse
1 Beholde what love the father hath shewed on vs that we shuld be called the sonnes of god. For this cause the worlde knoweth you not because it knoweth not him.
7 For we brought nothynge into the worlde and it is a playne case that we can cary nothynge out.
8 When we have fode and rayment let vs therwith be contet.
4 Ye advouterars and wemen that breke matrimonie: knowe ye not how yt the freshippe of ye worlde is ennimite to god warde? Whosoever wilbe a frende of the worlde is made the enemie of god.
19 We knowe that we are of god and that the worlde is altogedder set on wickednes.
9 That was a true lyght which lyghteth all men that come into the worlde.
10 He was in ye worlde and the worlde was made by him: and yet the worlde knewe him not.
18 Let no man deceave him silfe. Yf eny man seme wyse amonge you let him be a fole in this worlde that he maye be wyse.
4 by the meanes whereof are geven vnto vs excellent and moste greate promises that by the helpe of them ye shuld be partakers of the godly nature in that ye flye the corrupcion of worldy lust.
20 Where is the wyse? Where is the scrybe? Where is the searcher of this worlde?
21 Hath not God made the wysdome of this worlde folisshnes? For when the worlde thorow wysdome knew not God in ye wysdome of God: it pleased God thorow folisshnes of preachinge to save them yt beleve.
20 So that his invisible thinges: that is to saye his eternall power and godhed are vnderstonde and sene by the workes from the creacion of the worlde. So that they are without excuse
14 And this gladtidingees of the kyngdome shalbe preached in all the worlde for a witnes vnto all nacions: and then shall the ende come.
18 Yf ye worlde hate you ye knowe that he hated me before he hated you.
19 Yf ye were of the worlde ye worlde wolde love his awne. How be it because ye are not of ye worlde but I have chosen you out of the worlde therfore hateth you the worlde.
13 ye are ye salt of the erthe: but and yf ye salt have lost hir saltnes what can be salted ther with? It is thence forthe good for nothynge but to be cast oute and to be troade vnder fote of men.
14 Ye are ye light of the worlde. A cite yt is set on an hill cannot be hid
28 And vile thinges of the worlde and thinges which are despysed hath God chosen yee and thinges of no reputacion for to brynge to nought thinges of reputacion
29 that no flesshe shulde reioyce in his presence.
15 And he sayd vnto them: Goo ye in to all the worlde and preache the glad tyges to all creatures
31 Now is the iudgement of this worlde: now shall ye prince of this worlde be cast out.
4 Ye advouterars and wemen that breke matrimonie: knowe ye not how yt the freshippe of ye worlde is ennimite to god warde? Whosoever wilbe a frende of the worlde is made the enemie of god.
27 but God hath chosen the folysshe thinges of the worlde to confounde the wyse. And God hath chosyn the weake thinges of the worlde to confounde thinges which are mighty.
2 and he it is that obteyneth grace for oure synnes: not for oure synnes only: but also for the synnes of all the worlde.
33 These wordes have I spoke vnto you yt in me ye might have peace. For in ye worlde shall ye have tribulacio: but be of good cheare I have over come the worlde.
7 Wo be vnto the world because of offences. How be it it cannot be avoided but yt offences shalbe geven. Neverthelesse woo be to ye man by who the offence cometh.
8 Beware lest eny ma come and spoyle you thorow philosophy and disceatfull vanitie thorow the tradicions of me and ordinaunces after the worlde and not after christ.
12 And we have not receaved the sprete of ye worlde: but the sprete which cometh of god for to knowe the thinges that are geve to vs of god
7 Neverthelesse I tell you the trueth it is expedient for you that I goo awaye. For yf I goo not awaye that comforter will not come vnto you. But yf I departe I will sende him vnto you.
8 And when he is come he will rebuke ye worlde of synne and of rightwesnes and of iudgement.
9 Of synne because they beleve not on me:
10 Of rightwesnes because I go to my father and ye shall se me no moare:
11 and of iudgement because the chefe ruler of this worlde is iudged all ready.
13 Marvayle not my brethren though the worlde hate you.
4 Lytell chyldre ye are of God and have overcome them: for greater is he yt is in you then he that is in the worlde.
14 I have geven them thy wordes and the worlde hath hated them because they are not of the worlde even as I am not of the worlde.
16 For God so loveth the worlde yt he hath geven his only sonne that none that beleve in him shuld perisshe: but shuld have everlastinge lyfe.
16 For God so loveth the worlde yt he hath geven his only sonne that none that beleve in him shuld perisshe: but shuld have everlastinge lyfe.
12 For we wrestle not agaynst flesshe and bloud: but agaynst rule agaynst power and agaynst worldy rulars of ye darckenes of this worlde agaynst spretuall wickednes for hevenly thinges.
26 What shall it proffet a man though he shulde wynne all the whoole worlde: yf he loose his owne soule? Or els what shall a man geve to redeme his soule agayne with all?
19 And this is the condempnacion: that light is come into the worlde and the me loved darcknes more then light because their dedes were evill.
15 And he sayd vnto them: Goo ye in to all the worlde and preache the glad tyges to all creatures
1 Beholde what love the father hath shewed on vs that we shuld be called the sonnes of god. For this cause the worlde knoweth you not because it knoweth not him.
19 Ye and we knowe that whatsoever ye lawe sayth he sayth it to them which are vnder the lawe. That all mouthes maye be stopped and all the worlde be subdued to god
4 For all that is borne of god over commeth the worlde. And this is the victory that overcometh the worlde even oure fayth.
4 For all that is borne of god over commeth the worlde. And this is the victory that overcometh the worlde even oure fayth.
7 For we brought nothynge into the worlde and it is a playne case that we can cary nothynge out.
8 When we have fode and rayment let vs therwith be contet.
17 And the worlde vannyssheth awaye and the lust therof: but he that fulfilleth the will of god abydeth ever.
3 Neverthelesse though we walke compased with ye fleshe yet we warre not flesshlye
27 Pure devocion and vndefiled before God the father is this: to vysit the frendlesse and widdowes in their adversite and to kepe him silfe vnspotted of the worlde.
2 And fassion not youre selves lyke vnto this worlde: But be ye chaunged in youre shape by the renuynge of youre wittes that ye maye fele what thynge that good yt acceptable and perfaycte will of god is.
27 Peace I leve with you my peace I geve vnto you. Not as the worlde geveth geve I vnto you. Let not youre hertes be greved nether feare ye.
15 Se that ye love not the worlde nether the thynges that are in the worlde. Yf eny man love the worlde the love of the father is not in him.
16 For all that is in ye worlde (as the lust of the flesshe the lust of the eyes and ye pryde of gooddes) is not of the father: but of ye worlde
2 And fassion not youre selves lyke vnto this worlde: But be ye chaunged in youre shape by the renuynge of youre wittes that ye maye fele what thynge that good yt acceptable and perfaycte will of god is.
26 What shall it proffet a man though he shulde wynne all the whoole worlde: yf he loose his owne soule? Or els what shall a man geve to redeme his soule agayne with all?
15 I desyre not that thou shuldest take the out of the worlde: but that thou kepe them from evyll.
11 For the grace of god that bryngeth saluacion vnto all men hath appered
12 and teacheth vs that we shuld denye vngodlynes and wordly lustes and that we shuld live sobre mynded righteously and godly in this present worlde
10 He was in ye worlde and the worlde was made by him: and yet the worlde knewe him not.
16 For all that is in ye worlde (as the lust of the flesshe the lust of the eyes and ye pryde of gooddes) is not of the father: but of ye worlde
12 Then spake Iesus agayne vnto them sayinge: I am the light of the worlde. He that foloweth me shall not walke in darcknes: but shall have the light of lyfe.
15 I desyre not that thou shuldest take the out of the worlde: but that thou kepe them from evyll.
16 They are not of the worlde as I am not of the worlde.
17 Sanctify the wt thy truth. Thy sayinge is truth.
18 As thou dyddest send me into the worlde even so have I sent them into the worlde
27 Pure devocion and vndefiled before God the father is this: to vysit the frendlesse and widdowes in their adversite and to kepe him silfe vnspotted of the worlde.
25 O ryghteous father ye very worlde hath not knowen the: but I have knowen the and these have knowen that thou hast sent me.
26 And I have declared vnto them thy name and will declare it that the love wher wt thou hast loved me be in them and that I be in them.
36 What shall it profet a ma yf he shuld wynne all ye worlde and loose his awne soule?