5 Let the same mynde be in you that was in Christ Iesu:
6 Which beynge in the shape of god and thought it not robbery to be equall with god.
7 Neverthelesse he made him silfe of no reputacion and toke on him the shape of a servaunte and became lyke vnto men
8 and was founde in his aparell as a man. He humbled him silfe and became obediet vnto ye deeth even the deeth of the crosse.
37 Pylate sayde vnto him: Arte thou a kynge then? Iesus answered: Thou sayst yt I am a kynge. For this cause was I borne and for this cause came I into ye worlde yt I shuld beare witnes vnto the trueth. And all that are of ye trueth heare my voyce.
16 For God so loveth the worlde yt he hath geven his only sonne that none that beleve in him shuld perisshe: but shuld have everlastinge lyfe.
30 And ye angell sayde vnto her: feare not Mary: for thou hast founde grace wt god.
31 Loo: thou shalt coceave in thy wombe and shalt beare a sonne and shalt call his name Iesus.
32 He shalbe greate and shalbe called the sonne of the hyest. And ye lorde God shall geve vnto him the seate of his father David
33 and he shall raygne over ye housse of Iacob forever and of his kyngdome shalbe none ende.
4 And Ioseph also ascended from Galile oute of a cite called Nazareth into Iurie: vnto ye cite of David which is called Bethleem because he was of the housse and linage of David
5 to be taxed with Mary his spoused wyfe which was with chylde.
6 And it fortuned whyll they were there her tyme was come that she shuld be delyvered.
7 And she brought forth her fyrst begotten sonne and wrapped him in swadlynge cloothes and layed him in a manger because ther was no roume for them within in the ynne.
20 Whill he thus thought behold ye angell of ye Lorde appered vnto him in a dreame saynge: Ioseph ye sonne of David feare not to take vnto ye Mary thy wyfe. For that which is coceaved in her is of the holy goost.
21 She shall brynge forthe a sonne and thou shalt call his name Iesus. For he shall save his peple from their synnes.
22 All this was done to fulfill yt which was spoken of the Lorde by the Prophet saynge:
23 Beholde a mayde shall be with chylde and shall brynge forthe a sonne and they shall call his name Emanuel which is by interpretacion God with vs.
24 And Ioseph assone as he awoke out of slepe did as the angell of the Lorde bade hym and toke hys wyfe vnto hym
25 and knewe her not tyll she had brought forth hir fyrst sonne and called hys name Iesus.
15 And it fortuned assone as the angels were gone awaye fro them in to heven the shepherdes sayd one to another: let vs goo eve vnto Bethleem and se this thynge that is hapened which the Lorde hath shewed vnto vs.
16 And they cam with haste and founde Mary and Ioseph and the babe layde in a mager.
17 And when they had sene it they publisshed a brode the sayinge which was tolde them of that chylde.
18 And all that hearde it wondred at those thinges which were tolde the of the shepherdes.
17 Wherfore in all thynges it became him to be made lyke vnto his brethre that he myght be mercifull and a faythfull hye preste in thynges concernynge god for to pourge the peoples synnes.
4 But when the tyme was full come God sent his sonne borne of a woman and made bonde vnto ye lawe
5 to redeme the which were vnder the lawe: yt we thorow eleccion myght receave the inheritauce yt belongeth vnto the naturall sonnes.
10 But the angell sayd vnto them: Be not afrayed. For beholde I bringe you tydinges of greate ioye yt shal come to all ye people:
11 for vnto you is borne this daye in the cite of David a saveoure which is Christ ye lorde.
12 And take this for a signe: ye hall fynde ye chylde swadled and layed in a mager.
14 For as moche then as the children were parte takers of flesshe and bloud he also him silfe lyke wyse toke parte with them for to put doune thorow deth him that had lordshippe over deeth that is to saye the devyll
15 and yt he myght delyver the which thorow feare of deeth were all their lyfetyme in dauger of bondage.
18 The byrthe of Iesus Christ was on thys wyse. When hys mother Mary was betrouthed to Ioseph before they came to dwell to gedder she was foude with chylde by ye holy goost.
9 When they had heard the kynge they departed: and lo the starre which they sawe in ye eeste went before them tyll it came and stode over the place where the chylde was.
10 When they sawe the starre they were marvelously glad:
11 and went into the house and found the chylde with Mary hys mother and kneled doune and worshipped hym and opened their treasures and offred vnto hym gyftes gold frackynsence and myrre.
12 And after they were warned of God in a dreame that they shuld not go ageyne to Herod they retourned into their awne countre another waye.