14 But ye denyed the holy and iust and desyred a mortherar to be geven you
38 Whosoever therfore shall be asshamed of me and of my wordes amonge this advoutrous and sinfull generacion: of him shall the sonne of man be ashamed when he cometh in the glory of his father wt the holy angels.
33 But whoso ever shall denye me before men hym will I also denye before my father which is in heven.
1 Ther were falce prophetes amonge the people even as ther shalbe falce teachers amonge you: wich prevely shall brynge in damnable sectes even denyinge the Lorde that hath bought them and brynge vpon them selves swyft damnacion
70 but he denyed before the all sayinge: I woot not what thou sayst.
12 Yf we be pacient we shall also raigne wt him. If we denye him he also shall denye vs.
22 Who is a lyar: but he that denyeth that Iesus is Christ? The same is the Antichrist that denyeth the father and the sonne.
34 Iesus sayde vnto him. Verely I saye vnto ye that this same night before the cocke crowe thou shalt denye me thryse.