15 And he that smyteth his father or his mother, shall dye for it.
18 Yf any man haue a sonne that is stuburne, and disobedient, that he will not herken vnto the voyce of his father and voyce of his mother, and they haue taught him nurture, but he wolde not herken vnto them:
19 Then let his father and his mother take him and brynge hym out vnto the elders of that citie and vnto the gate of that same place,
20 ad saye vnto the elders of the citie. This oure sonne is stoburne and disobedient and will not herken vnto oure voyce, he is a ryoter and a dronkarde.
21 Then let all the men of that citie stone him with stones vnto deeth. And so thou shalt put euell awaye from the, and all Israel shall heare and feare.
20 Children obey youre fathers and mothers in all thinges for that is wel pleasynge vnto the lorde.
12 Honoure thy father ad thy mother, that thy dayes may be loge in the lode which the Lorde thy God geueth the.
16 Honoure thi father and thi mother, as the Lord thi God hath comauded the: that thou mayst prolonge thi dayes, and that it maye go well with the on the londe, which the Lorde thi God geueth the.
1 Chyldren obey youre fathers and mothers in the Lorde: for so is it right.
2 Honoure thy father and mother that is the fyrst commaundement that hath eny promes
3 that thou mayst be in good estate and lyve longe on the erthe.
4 And ye fathers move not youre children to wrath: but bringe the vp wt the norter and informacio of ye Lorde.
4 For God comaunded sayinge: honoure thy father and mother and he that cursseth father or mother shall suffer deeth.
4 Yf eny wyddowe have chyldren or neves let them learne fyrst to rule their awne houses godly and to recompence their elders. For that is good and acceptable before God.