10 For when we were with you this we warned you of yt yf ther were eny which wolde not worke that ye same shuld not eate.
7 Lyke wyse ye men dwell with them accordinge to knowledge gevinge honoure vnto the wyfe as vnto the weaker vessell and as vnto them that are heyres also of the grace of lyfe that youre prayers be not let.
13 Watche ye stonde fast in the fayth auyte you lyke men and be stronge.
19 Husbandes love youre wyves and be not bitter vnto them.
2 Ye and a bisshope must be fautlesse the husband of one wyfe sober discrete honestly aparelled harberous apt to teache
3 not dronke no fighter not geve to filthy lucre: but gentle abhorrynge fightynge abhorrynge coveteousnes
4 and one that rueleth his awne housse honestly havynge chyldren vnder obedience with all honeste.
19 For I knowe him that he will commaunde his childern and his housholde after him yt they kepe the waye of the LORde to do after righte and conscyence that the LORde may brynge vppon Abraham that he hath promysed him.
18 and be not dronke with wyne wherin is excesse: but be fulfilled with the sprete
23 And whatsoever ye do do it hertely as though ye did it to the lorde and not vnto men for as moche as ye
8 Yf ther be eny that provideth not for his awne and namly for them of his housholde the same denyeth the fayth and is worsse then an infydell.
4 And ye fathers move not youre children to wrath: but bringe the vp wt the norter and informacio of ye Lorde.
25 Husbandes love youre wyves even as Christ loved the congregacion and gave him silfe for it