21 Then came Peter to him and sayde: master howe ofte shall I forgeve my brother yf he synne agaynst me seven tymes?
22 Iesus sayd vnto him: I saye not vnto the seven tymes: but seventy tymes seven tymes.
21 Then came Peter to him and sayde: master howe ofte shall I forgeve my brother yf he synne agaynst me seven tymes?
22 Iesus sayd vnto him: I saye not vnto the seven tymes: but seventy tymes seven tymes.
21 Then came Peter to him and sayde: master howe ofte shall I forgeve my brother yf he synne agaynst me seven tymes?
22 Iesus sayd vnto him: I saye not vnto the seven tymes: but seventy tymes seven tymes.
37 Iudge not and ye shall not be Iudged. Condemne not: and ye shall not be condemned. Forgeve and ye shalbe forgeven.
37 Iudge not and ye shall not be Iudged. Condemne not: and ye shall not be condemned. Forgeve and ye shalbe forgeven.
37 Iudge not and ye shall not be Iudged. Condemne not: and ye shall not be condemned. Forgeve and ye shalbe forgeven.
25 And when ye stod and praye forgeve yf ye have eny thinge agaynste eny man yt youre father also which is in heve maye forgeve you youre trespases.
13 forbearynge one another and forgevynge one another if eny man have a quarrell to a nother even as Christ forgave you even so do ye.
13 forbearynge one another and forgevynge one another if eny man have a quarrell to a nother even as Christ forgave you even so do ye.
13 forbearynge one another and forgevynge one another if eny man have a quarrell to a nother even as Christ forgave you even so do ye.
7 By whom we have redemption thorow his bloude euen the forgevenes of synnes accordynge to the riches of his grace
7 By whom we have redemption thorow his bloude euen the forgevenes of synnes accordynge to the riches of his grace
19 Repent ye therfore and turne yt youre synnes maye be done awaye when the tyme of refresshinge commeth which we shall have of the presence of the Lorde
15 And looke to that no man be destitue of the grace of God and that no rote of bitternes springe vp and trouble and therby many be defiled:
13 Which hath delivered vs from the power of dercknes and hath translated vs in to the kyngdome of his dere sone
14 in whom we have redempcion thurow his bloud that is to saye the forgevenes of sinnes
25 And when ye stod and praye forgeve yf ye have eny thinge agaynste eny man yt youre father also which is in heve maye forgeve you youre trespases.
25 And when ye stod and praye forgeve yf ye have eny thinge agaynste eny man yt youre father also which is in heve maye forgeve you youre trespases.
11 She sayde: No man Lorde. And Iesus sayde: Nether do I condempne the. Goo and synne no moare.
30 And the tyme of this ignoraunce God regarded not: but now he byddeth all men every where repent
32 Be ye courteouse one to another and mercifull forgevynge one another eve as god for Christes sake forgave you.
32 Be ye courteouse one to another and mercifull forgevynge one another eve as god for Christes sake forgave you.
32 Be ye courteouse one to another and mercifull forgevynge one another eve as god for Christes sake forgave you.
14 For and yf ye shall forgeve other men their treaspases youre hevenly father shall also forgeve you.
35 So lyke wyse shall my hevenly father do vnto you except ye forgeve with youre hertes eache one to his brother their treaspases.
14 For and yf ye shall forgeve other men their treaspases youre hevenly father shall also forgeve you.
15 But and ye wyll not forgeve men their trespases nomore shall youre father forgeve youre treaspases.
14 For and yf ye shall forgeve other men their treaspases youre hevenly father shall also forgeve you.
15 But and ye wyll not forgeve men their trespases nomore shall youre father forgeve youre treaspases.
38 Be it knowne vnto you therfore ye men and brethre that thorow this man is preached vnto you the forgevenes of synnes
39 and yt by him are all yt beleve iustified fro all thinges fro the which ye coulde not be iustified by ye lawe of Moses.
12 For I wilbe mercifull over their vnrightwesnes and on their synnes and on their iniquiries.
14 Yf eny be defeated amonge you let him call for the elders of the congregacion and let the praye over him and anoynte him with oyle in the name of the lorde:
15 and the prayer of fayth shall save the sicke and the lorde shall rayse him vp: and yf he have committed synnes they shalbe forgeuen him.
12 And forgeve vs oure treaspases eve as we forgeve oure trespacers.
34 Then sayde Iesus: father forgeve them for they woot not what they do. And they parted his rayment and cast loottes.
18 Thou shalt not avenge thy selfe nor bere hate in thy mynde against the childern of thi people, but shalt loue thy neghboure eue as thy self I am the Lorde.
2 and he it is that obteyneth grace for oure synnes: not for oure synnes only: but also for the synnes of all the worlde.
3 Take hede to youre selves. If thy brother trespas agaynst the rebuke him:
4 and yf he repent forgeve him. And though he sinne agest ye .vii. tymes in a daye and seve tymes in a daye tourne agayne to ye sayinge: it repenteth me forgeve him
38 Peter sayde vnto them: repent and be baptised every one of you in the name of Iesus Christ for the remission of synnes and ye shall receave the gyfte of the holy goost.
5 If eny man hath caused sorow the same hath not made me sory but partely: lest I shuld greve you all.
6 It is sufficient vnto the same man that he was rebuked of many.
7 So that now contrary wyse ye ought to forgeve him and comforte him: lest that same persone shuld be swalowed vp with over moche hevines.
8 Wherfore I exhorte you that love maye have stregth over him.
9 Yf we knowledge oure synnes he is faythfull and iust to forgeve vs oure synnes and to clense vs from all vnrightewesnes.
9 Yf we knowledge oure synnes he is faythfull and iust to forgeve vs oure synnes and to clense vs from all vnrightewesnes.
7 Blessed are ye mercifull: for they shall obteyne mercy.